Reef stuff for sale - Location 94103


I shut down my tank 2 years ago and recently I sold my condo and found a few more reef stuff here that I want to sell. Please call/text 415-six52-zero805. Thank you.

CPR BakPak2 - $50.00 / Hydor Nano Skimmer $40.00 (missing o-ring for cup)

Tunze 6020 - Brand new - $30.00
Tunze 6025 - 1 month use - $30.00 each

Maxspect 420R - $70.00 - excellent condition - lots of life - only 1 year of use

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Light and Pumps are all sold. Thank you amazonman.

Make me an offer on the skimmers. I also have an ATO by jbj. Around 50-70 lbs marco rocks (60% unused and 40% used- all dry). Best way to reach me is via text/call. Don't often check this forum.

Also thank you to the other members that made an offer for the light and pumps.