reef tank w/no fish...coral tank?


New member
anyone out there have a coral only tank?? sps and inverts with no fish. I have a 200 gal reef and after 3 yrs I am in the middle of a bad ich outbreak so a non-fish tank may be in the future
I ran a non-fish tank for a couple months due to the same unfortunate circumstance.

My tank did great, though by the end IMO I needed to feed more as things were getting fairly pale. But the tank really `cleaned up' and grew/colored great during that period IME.
My tanks tend to be fishless. My newest tank I add a single fish (starks damsel) because over time I find I need an excuse to add some kind of food/nitrogen/nutrient source. The acros look good either way, but I get more deep coloring with some feeding. But I also fnd that the tank in general is not as clean when I have a fish. I do not have any visible algea either way, but the rate at which I develope a film on my glass increases with even minor feeding (still takes a few days to be visible from the side). But I do not think having the tank perfectly clear produces the best results. Find a couple of small-hardy fish (maybe a few cromis, or semi-unusual damsels) they add a huge amount of movement, can survive ick if infected (usually), are not a financial risk (cheap) and give you an excuse to feed a small amount. But I would definately wait 3-month before adding If you just had ick (remove all fish and leave fish-less for 3+ weeks).

just my 02c

the corals are my main investment and without a qt tank large enough to accomodate all the fish in it now the cost of a large enough hospital system is more than all the fish combined. just weighing my options at this point. all the fish are still eating well and behaving normally but the regal tang looks like it went thru a meat grinder.
Consider a large rubbermaid stock tank for a hospital system.
At least around here - you can get 100g for $75. Heater, powerheads, water changes - some sort of biomedia ... I've got some healthy fish housed in my basement there doing great for months now. It's remarkable how cheap those tanks are to get running ... esp as bits to cut bulkheads are cheap at the hardware store.
I never thought of that... thing is no basement...but thats not a big issue. the biofiltration is a problem. unfortunately I have no cycled media or they would be out already. I have a moderate amount of fish.. 12 with 3 being messy (6" tangs) if i just tossed them all in a 100 gal Id have a heck of a time keeping water quality good without a fully cycled bio base.. any suggestions?