My tanks tend to be fishless. My newest tank I add a single fish (starks damsel) because over time I find I need an excuse to add some kind of food/nitrogen/nutrient source. The acros look good either way, but I get more deep coloring with some feeding. But I also fnd that the tank in general is not as clean when I have a fish. I do not have any visible algea either way, but the rate at which I develope a film on my glass increases with even minor feeding (still takes a few days to be visible from the side). But I do not think having the tank perfectly clear produces the best results. Find a couple of small-hardy fish (maybe a few cromis, or semi-unusual damsels) they add a huge amount of movement, can survive ick if infected (usually), are not a financial risk (cheap) and give you an excuse to feed a small amount. But I would definately wait 3-month before adding If you just had ick (remove all fish and leave fish-less for 3+ weeks).
just my 02c