reefkeeper 2..

I definitely think so. the only reason I'm going with a Aquacontroller 3 over the ReefKeeper2 is because I need the ethernet interface so I can check on my tank from school.
Reefkeeper will work on the internet check this link: He doesn’t have the webcam setup, but the stats are there and he can turn light off and on at will. I got it over the other brands mostly for the flush mount look.

This is Carlos' myReef Web Server using RKII:

someone else:

How to set it up.

How to modify the myreef software. You can also add a web cam to it and see it on the last frame of the page. IT IS NOT PERFERCT.. it requires some work, I haven’t done but will so to keep an eye on my tank from work.
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Will the reefkeeper2 upload the log of data when it connects to PC? If so, how much does it buffer? Couple of days worth?
See, the thing is that I don't want to have a PC doing that. I want the unit to do it itself and just have it's own ethernet jack. My tank is downstairs, and while I do have spare laptops and whatnot, I would just rather not have to deal with the PITA that is computers. I know enough about computers to know that I hate them and would do anything to stay away from trying to get another one running 24/7.
and actually, if you've come across anyone setting up a page like that coming DIRECTLY from an AC3, PLEASE let me know, because I want to get the AC3 for its built in web server, but want some dynamic graphs and current lighting/pump/etc status, which the AC3 gives what looks like a VERY basic readout of current temp, ph, etc.

I understand that sacrifices have to be made whether having the computer or the built in or whatnot.