ReefLink Help: From Top: Yellow-Yellow-Red-Green-Red-Red


Premium Member
I can not connect to my ReefLink through my computer or the app. Not sure what is going on with it. I tried powering all my Ecotech devices Off for several minutes (including the Reeflink) and still nothing. I have tried disconnecting the power cord to the ReefLink several times, but as soon as I plug it in, the LED's light up solid in the following order (starting from the top): Yellow - Yellow - Red - Green - Red - Red.

Anyone got any ideas?
Best way to run a reeflink is a straight Ethernet connection. The wifi chip is not the best. Once I connected mine straight to the Ethernet port of my router I gotten nothing but blue lights.
I use a power Ethernet system to connect the reeflink to my router.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Plugged the Ethernet cable to connect the ReefLink directly to the router. Nothing. LED's still displaying the same colours... Also poised the reset button and nothing changed either.
I did, but not while it was plugged in to the router. I downloaded the setup file, and opened it. It instructed me to connect he ReefLink to my computer via USB cable. I did this, but the program did not acknowledge that I had connected the ReefLink to my computer with the USB cable. I'll try it out with the Ethernet cable plugged in and see if I get a different response.
Tried running the setup software with the Ethernet cable plugged in, still nothing. While I was hunkered down, I took the bottom cover off of the ReefLink module to inspect for any obvious signs of damage or failure on the circuit board...I did not see any. While I was inspected I noticed there is what I believe to be the antenna, glued to the case. While I was trying to remove this, I accidentally unplugged the antenna from the circuit board. When I plugged it back in, the lights immediately went blue, then all white. I remembered seeing in the FAQ that if the ReefLink LED's turn white that it has to be removed from the ReefLink account, so I started there. I removed the ReefLink from my account, and started as if I were working with a new ReefLink. I connected it again to my computer and ran the setup program again - Success. ReefLink is connect to my equipment, and I am verifying control now.
I can not connect to my ReefLink through my computer or the app. Not sure what is going on with it. I tried powering all my Ecotech devices Off for several minutes (including the Reeflink) and still nothing. I have tried disconnecting the power cord to the ReefLink several times, but as soon as I plug it in, the LED's light up solid in the following order (starting from the top): Yellow - Yellow - Red - Green - Red - Red.

Anyone got any ideas?

It sounds like the RF Module has come loose inside your ReefLink. To resolve the issue, please follow the steps below:

1. Power down the ReefLink
2. Remove the grey sticker that surrounds the plug terminals on the back of the ReefLink
3. Remove the rubber foot from the bottom of the ReefLink
4. Remove the 3 screws from the bottom of the ReefLink
5. Remove the bottom plate and carefully disconnect the ribbon cable from the bottom of the driver board
6. Take the driver board out of the casing
7. On the top of the driver board is a green RF Module raised off the driver board
8. Remove the RF then carefully line up the pins and put back in place
9. Reassemble the ReefLink carefully and power it on

If you continue to see anymore red diodes, please call into customer service.