ReefSMART Exposition - Raleigh, NC


New member
Once again, we are excited to announce ReefSMART Raleigh. ReefSMART is an exposition featuring vendors, manufacturers, hobbyists, clubs, businesses, raffles, presentations and much more! We will announce more details as the date draws nearer, so keep checking back for updates.

What: ReefSMART Exposition "“ vendors, food, frags, stores, clubs and more.
Where: Wake County Commons Building, 4011 Carya Drive, Raleigh, NC
When: Saturday, September 11, 2010 from 12pm to 6pm

Selling/Trading Information:

- Hobbyists may bring a hand cooler with corals to trade at no cost. If you wish to sell corals, you will need to register and rent table space.

- Hobbyists may rent table space to sell corals, equipment, etc. for $15 (preregistration before August 14) or $25 (registration after August 14)

- Commercial vendors (businesses) may rent table space to sell corals, equipment, etc. for $50 (preregistration before August 14) or $85 (registration after August 14)

We had incredible sponsor support at the last ReefSMART "“ there were over 100 raffle items, and some very nice goodies in the door bags. Please be sure to spread the word about ReefSMART to your fishy friends and businesses, and thank our sponsors so that they know their support is appreciated.
Yes, and 320 attendees enjoying it all! =) I came in to make sure this was posted, as always you are on top of it, girl!

You guys do not want to miss this show, so mark those calendars and let us know if you need a table - our last show proved us to be the largest event in the state - and it was only our second! ;)
Lol, when is there ever too much reefness, especially for you, Vangogh? ;) I can't believe you are going to Macna lucky dog seems like no one around here ever gets to go. Well, Zoagirl, lol.

Are you coming as a vendor? =)
This is the last week for discounted pre-registration! Admission is free, but if you plan to sell (as a hobbyist or business) then you need to register beforehand, and there's a pretty steep discount if you pre-register.


Do you have a link to all info regarding Reef Smart.
I'm going to post in a few of local forums and LFS.

Charleston, SC
im home it was pretty neat a lot of frags there a saw a awesome frogspawn can't remember the vendor, I bought a bunch of cerith snails and some peppermint shrimp for really cheap. Almost bought a 72" 3 250w MH fixture with 6ft. PC actinics in it, but didn't have the cash on me. No credit at the event.