ReefTanks 110g Reef Build


Active member
Hello Everyone,

First I want to introduce myself, I have been a member of RC for quite some time now. I started reefing about 8 years ago with a small 30 gallon tall tank. This is where all the reading and learning really came into effect. I made hundreds of mistakes in my first tank. After a year or two of the 30 I move into a 90 gallon I attempted to make a reef tank. With no RO/DI unit and not knowing much about corals I did not have to much success with reef keeping. I had the tank for about 4-5 years until I went off to college. I had awful phosphate problems and many other issues that occurred. I decided to tare down the tank my freshman year in college. Now I am FINALLY back into the hobby after 4 years and finally graduating from college. I have always been floating around RC checking out builds and learning as much as possible. This tank is going to be done on a budget so I bought some used and not crazy expensive equipment.

Right now I am in the process of filling the tank, it is almost there. I can only fill it at night when I am home so it is taking a little longer then usual to fill the tank.

The tank is 110 gallons I bought used from my local fish store.
[/url]110 Gallon by tdevlin06, on Flickr[/IMG]


Lights: 2 SB Reef Lights 16"
Skimmer: ATB 840
Sump: 55 Long
Fuge: 40g
Heaters: 2 Finnex 150w
Pumps: 2 Jabeo RW-15
Return: Jabeo DC15000
RO/DI: LiquaGen 75gpd

So far all the equipment has arrived in great condition and the products have been nothing short of what I expected. Here is how the lights are hung at the moment, its not the most sleek looking design but it is going to due for now.
[/url]110 Gallon by tdevlin06, on Flickr[/IMG]

My plan for this reef is to start with some soft corals and slowly work my way into LPS and SPS corals. I am going to eventually dose Calcium, Mag, and Alk depending on the demand of corals. This time around I am starting to take my time and really not jump the gun. I am determined to have a successful reef that I can see results and growth. Here are some pictures of the tank filling (awful cell phone pictures).
[/url]Untitled by tdevlin06, on Flickr[/IMG]
Untitled by tdevlin06, on Flickr

I am going to get some better pictures tomorrow. Right now the tank is almost full and I hope to be adding salt tomorrow. Right now I have about 100lbs of a different mix or rock for the system. I wanted to keep it more open and have some more space for eventual coral growth.

Tag along and keep teaching me the essentials to reefing.
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Thank you! Got around to doing the first test today. Although the tank is only a few days old all parameters looked pretty good. Everything is flowing nicely so far. I really liked the red sea salt mix. The parameters were as followed for the first couple of days.

PH: 8.3
Ammonia: Between 0 and .25ppm
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0

Time to sit back and relax while the tank takes it cycle.

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