Reference Guide; Nuclear Greens


New member
So it seems like the zoa forum can use a bit of organization and a boost in interesting topics. So what I was thinking is that we start a reference guide for individual polyps so that we can have quick access to information that we may need and we can share our experiences regarding that particular polyp. It would be nice to have something to reference to when we get a new frag. Hopefully these articles can become a sticky and one day we have a reference guide for every polyp out there. :rollface:

So I wanted to start with nuclear greens. A very easy polyp to keep that I have had a lot of success with. My frag went from 6 polyps to over 60 in matter of months.




I have mine under 4x39w T5's and they seem to do best for me about halfway up my tank. My tank is 18" deep and under high light they browned out a bit. I moved them down and they developed a much brighter green color. The bluer the spectrum the more "POP" you will get.


These seem to do good just about anywhere I put them, but I like to keep them under medium to high flow to minimize the amount of detritus that get trapped in between the polyps.

Growth Rate
These grow very fast. I would say a couple polyps a month after they have been established to your tank conditions. Definitely my fastest growing polyp.

Polyp Size
Baby polyps can be tiny, smaller than tubs but mature adults I have seen up to a quarter. Mine are mostly about dime sized.

Other Interesting Information
These polyps have a very good feeding response. Mine catch mysis sometimes when I feed my fish. I also like to feed them new life spectrum pellets. These are supposed to be very healthy and they are easy to feed when I turn off the flow. If you have shrimp, they won't be able to steal the food because these polyps close up around the food real quick like a venus fly trap.

If I left anything out please feel free to share. IF you have any other tips or experience with these polyps please share the info as well.
Kudos to OP for such a great initiative. Few questions, can you provide more details on the lighting? Is it a fixture or retro? brand? bulb combination? How high up is the light from the water surface? any additives or supplements? And last, your water parameters? Thanks.
Lighting- Nova Sundial with geisseman bulbs; from back to front;

The actinics turn on at 2 and off at 11, and the aquablues go on at 3 and off at 10. The nova sundial is not the best fixture but I love the built in timer. The fixture is about 4 inches above the water level.

I dose alk every other day and dose CA on the days I don't dose alk. So one day I'll dose alk, then the next CA, then alk, then CA, etc...

Alk stays around 8 and CA is between 380 and 450 (I know, not very stable). Trates and Phates are undetectable according to my API test kits. Salinity is usually around 1.025 and I try to do h2o changes every ten days.

Stevensun, what is OP?