refugium for 180 gallon


New member
Thanks to all for your support!!

Am setting up a 180 gallon. currently enjoying my 75 gallon.

for the large tank, I plan on a large sump, 100-200 gallon rubbermaid stock tub.

is it easy to set up a refugium?

Does a refugium really help the water quality?

Do I put macroalgae in it? Use lights on it? how many gallons should it be?

any suggestions would be well appreciated!!

thanks again for all your help

Yes refugiums are very easy to set up. Personally i like to use another tank at the bottom because then you are able to use baffels to control water height, and you are able to look in on how your refugium is doing rather then just seeing from the top. I would go with either 75 or more depending on what you can fit under the stand. The larger the fuge, the more water volume u're going to be able to push through it giving you more filtration. As far as what to put in your fuge. Many people including me use cheto algae, also a good idea would be to put a fiarly deep sand bed, and some liverock in it. For lighting yes you will want to light it for your macro algae to grow, most comonly used is just a metal reflector and screw in compact flourecent bulb that you can buy from home depot for about 20$, or if you have it sitting around the garage you can use that also. There are many different designs used as for the refugium, and i would advise you look at many and see which one you like the most. It will depend on if you're going skimmerless or if you'll have a skimmer, calc reactor, etc. Good Luck!
If it helps any, this is my fuge/sump under my 180.





Thanks everybody!!

I am leaning toward a 150 gallon rubbermaid sump, with a very good skimmer, like Deltec or Aqua C. I hope not to need calcium reactor, no hard corals.

Thanks! I may try to have a refugium!!!!

