refugium question


I have a 150 and it's been running since april. i had a PO4 and cyano problem but i treated the tank with red slime remover and now have my phosban reactor running and everything is back to normal. my question is how do i seed my refugium and would a 10K pc be a good enough light source for it. btw my sump is 55gals and i would say my refugium takes up half of it.
if you want I could give you some cheato...its full of pods and all the other goodes. that'll seed your fuge good!
i have some now, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything and the caularipa died. so i don't know what's going on.
i recomend you to use the lowes ligth they have one wicth i am trying and is working beter then my flodligth and if you need to sead the refeugium let me know ill give you some stuff from my