regular tank - plastic = beautiful rimless?


New member
I was at a new reef store in Gainesville and the guy had alot of all-glass display tanks. I asked and he said they custom made them, held together with nothing but silicone. They had planes for front, back, left, right, and some skinny little glass piece at the top left and top right for support.

It looked about the demensions of a 20L, but a little longer.

Was this guy probably telling the truth?

Can you simply remove the plastic trim from a regular tank and have it stand there sturdily?

If not, can it be modified/braced so that it will?

It was very pretty :)
I would not. The brace is there for a reason. If you use thick enough glass then you wont need it. But that would be expensive. Dont just take the rim off. Or you tank might crash. And I mean to the floor.
hey, where is the new store up there? do you you remember?

i go up there once and while, theres only 2 that i know of,wanted to check out a new place if there is one.