Reminder- Feb meeting Sat. the 21st @ 6pm

Mrs Postal

New member
Our Feb meeting is coming up on Saturday the 21st @ 6pm. Jay(Floridascape) is our host this month. Location is 5258 9th Ave. N, St. Pete 33710. We will have our monthly member raffle for a $100 gift card to one of our sponsors and if you were at the FL Frag Swap and gave us your email at either the Drysdale Aquariums booth or the Elite Corals Aquaculture booth, we have 2-$50 gift cards to raffle as well. We also have purchased our Host raffle gift for our drawing in July. We still have an opening for May if you want to get a free chance to win a VorTech MP-40w.

Lots going on and we hope to see you Saturday!