RePlum my Refiugium


Premium Member
Had and idea while buliding my sump and refrugium, I installed 45's in the sandbed for the flow to try to keep the cheapo tumbleing....but not working the way I planned it its making my cheapo flow to the top and get hard,,,,,here is the picture of how I started.....maybe I could get sime pointers on improvening it
how about directing the 45's in oppositte directions, instead of at each other? maybe one left and one right?
Hey Brian,

when I set up my refugium I followed your design. Upon completion and testing I found that all I was getting was massive gurgling from the 45's with large air bubbles. I later dismantled this and added a sort of spraybar instead that kind of ran the water over the chaeto. So the chaeto would constantly be getting new water from the tank. This also helped with my air bubble problem.The spray bar runs along the top of the water level in the fuge.


Hey Mike:
Just reading over my post "cheapo" refrugium" what was I drinking lastnight.....:) Anyhow I havent had a problem with air bubbles I just have a problem with keeping my chaeto under water.....So it tends to dry up on the top from the light. Not really causing a problem that I can see......I will have to run a spray bar on the surface.....that will be my weekend project....before I start drinking.......:)