restocking my CUC, anyone else?


New member
Well, a bit over 2 years and my tank's CUC is in bad shape. Too many hermits the first time around I think. I am going to place an order with john at reefcleaners and was wondering if anyone else wants to get in?

I'm already in for the express overnight, so the more I can divide that the better.

I wanna do this ASAP, so I'll leave this here till early next week, please post here or PM me.



(I double checked the group buy rules, I'm not looking to profit from this, and I will take delivery at my shop and anyone else can meet me here to divvy up the order, so I hope I'm not in any violation.... if I am let me know)
reefcleaners has a nice group buy function, but the free shipping only applies to $250 orders, otherwise it's actually a bit higher than basic shipping... but probably not 2x as much as a single order.

I will contact them on Monday to set up the group buy, and you can use their system to place the order. If we get enough people over the next few days it might work out for free shipping, otherwise I will collect shipping costs when you pick up... I am too trusting :P

I would prefer to have it ship Wednesday, since I have help at the shop on Thursdays. So either this next wednesday, or the week after... I'm not in a HUGE hurry. Just wanna get it done before my next mortgage payment is due :P

Lemme know, and I will set it up Mondayish

Sorry, dropped the ball on this. I need more time to plan things out... need new CUC, but probably not ordering till next week. If you're still interested I will post here with details when I get my order together...
would really like to get in on the order. need an order of pods+. let me know when and how to get the money to ya.
well, as it stands now if I were start the process it looks like maybe 3 people? problem is, with their group shipping policy, orders under $250 cost more to ship than if we split them up on our own orders... otherwise if we each order, say, 100 dwarf cerith snails, they would all (200) come in one bag and we'd have to count them out ourselves.

I will email John in a bit (getting ready to head to work right now, got about 5 minutes, make that 4) and see what he says.

OK, better late than never....

I sent in the form for the group buy option, I haven't heard back yet. I asked for the shipping date to be November 9, which means orders will have to be in no later than Monday night. That gives everyone a bit over a week from today to get their order in.

I will know more when I hear back from John, but as things are now (and I can change them if needed) PICK UP will be Thursday morning at my shop.

Anyways, thanks for being patient for those waiting on me. Anyone else that wants in, check back later today for the confirmation email and instructions on placing your order.