Ric tank lighting advice


New member
I wanted to get some advice from some ricordea veterans here who have had good luck with rics. I am putting together a ric tank in a 30g cube but need advice on the lighting for it. My options are a 150w HQI, 250w Mogel and a 250w HQI. I am pretty sure the 250w HQI will be way too much and am leanding toward a good 150w 20k bulb or something like a 14k blueline. Any advice is appreciated.
A tank that's 19'' deep, you could do:

150 watt 14,000k

150 watt 10,000k, with T-5 actinics

250 watt 14,000k HQI

250 watt 20,000k HQI

I would do a 250 watt in such a tank, but that's me (I also don't like deep tanks lol). Places that aquaculture rics use shallow tanks with T-5's or deeper tanks with 400 watt MH's.
I really hadnt thought about the light penetration at that depth because I always thought a 150w HQI would perform about as well as a 250w SE. You know of any BRIGHT BLUE 250w bulbs? I dont want the tank to look dim. Just a strong blue light.