True yellows do fetch a higher price then most other colors, one of the problems with yellow is most often they tend to be bleached out greens and over time they will turn to their natural color......Golds not so much as they tend to be around more often then yellows but not as much as orange color morphs.......If you can find a true yellow under all light conditions pick it up.....I paid $45 for what was supposed to be a true yellow and over a couple months under my lights it tuned into a yellowish lime green color......
I would say that is a gold. Give me a minute I'll post some yellow ones. I would say 40 would be a fair price to say for yellow. LFS around here do not carry ricordea so when they are around they are 60-80 but in a green or tan you know the real plain ones. Other than the excemption of STEHPHENINVA Ive never really seen any gold ones. The always end up being a more orange color as orange is a bright color it is a very common color but with a couple variants making some of them worth alittle more.
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