Ricordea Fragging


New member
I fragged my lone Ricordea last night after gaining some confidence with some other shrooms.

Has anyone noticed when they frag their ricordea that there seems to be more juice/guts that in other mushrooms?
Well, I read some posts in the coral propogation forum AFTER I fragged it. Did it like I did with the other shrooms. Cut the top off with a sharp scissors, than cut it into four pieces. They are in a plastic dish right now attaching to some reef rubbble. I've read that they are more sensitive than other shrooms, but right now they look okay, not healing as fast as the other shrooms, but still healing.

We'll see how they look after a week or too...
Sorry to dig this post back up, but was curious as to how your ric's turned out after this fragging.

I have found a much more simple way to frag them, if you cut a small peice of the boot off the main boot leaving it attached to a small peice of rock. It takes them a while to grow out but I have tried this method around 20 times and I have never lost one yet. It does take a few months to get them around 2 to 3 inches but it seems to be much less stressful on the coral and the frag. Hope this helps someone .....Jason