Ricordia Florida Mystery


Premium Member
I hate to admit it but I've had them for a few years and they've really never fully expanded as I've seen in other folks tanks. The tank is mostly SPS (growing like weeds) with a few softies and LPSs. I have have a few clams as well. My temp ranges from 76-77 constantly (except summers when they peak to 82). I also hate to admit that I do infrequent water changes (once every 3-4 months @ 40%?). I also run 2x250 DE's (14kk Hamiltons) and wet skim with a Euro CS 6-1. PH is @ 8.0ish due to reactor. I also have tons of flow w/2 820 Seios and 2 Maxi 1200's. I've tried to move them high in the tank, low, high/low flow and nothing seems to work. They also have not really grown as well either.

I asked the guy @ a reputable LFS and he suggested Lugol's?? I'm not sure this is the case since this has been happening when I did do frequent H20 change way been when (25% monthly) and iodine should have been replenished with that. Although, I have noticed a slow down of my xenia growth since I introduced my reactor (Rics were same before reactor intro).

Any ideas or suggestions that I may have overlooked? I'm not too worried but dang.. it's been a few years and they look the same???

