Rimless Tank Question


In Memoriam
Does anyone here have expierence w/ Rimless tanks?
I was looking into buying one form Glasscages.com and was looking for some input on how Durable and safe those tanks are.
Assuming you have a well built, perfectly level stand, as long as you have the required thickness, and good quality silicone (GE RTV108 or GE Series 1200 or equivalent), it'll be fine.

I have a calculator I coded to calculate the glass thickness so that the tank meet a recommended safety level.

It is based on "How to Calculate the Glass Thickness for your Aquarium" by Warren Stillwell.
Here's the link:

This calculator will calculates:
1. Minimum glass thickness/deflection for a desire safety factor
2. The safety factor and deflection given a glass thickness

You can download here.

Just unzip and double click on the "AquaCalc.jar" file.

It's Java based so you want to download java also if you don't have already.
Get java here:
download the "Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 3".

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