Ripped mushroom


New member
To make a long story short, I bought some mushrooms but for some reason the were on 2 rocks I brought it home and the one on 2 rocks ripped in half. Will in live? It is really disappointing considering there was only 3 mushrooms and it was $35. I know you can cut mushrooms but this is a pretty messy cut considering it was a rip. I will post pics later.
I cant say for sure, bu I would bet you will probably be ok. Sounds like you just fragged your first mushroom. Both pieces should grow. I have accidently done the same thing as you, and they both survived.


I was reading on Garf today and they just rip them off the rocks and they just grow back so I'm guessing it's going to be just fine and you might end up with a couple of more than you started with.
I think something wrong with your mushroom on the right hand side. i would suggest keep an eye on it. I have these stripes shroom as well but don't have the circle bits. It looks like FW...
FW??? I don't know what that means. That is just the mushrooms "babies" It is reproducing. If you look at each of the circles they look like little mushrooms and have a small mouth. Correct me if I'm wrong. I have a huge 7 inch colony of them and have been growing fast, I've have had them for 9 monthes now.
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Just try to get a couple velvet nudibranchs. They will eat all the flatworms. Much better then adding un-natural chemicals to your tank like FW exit.