Road trip to NM -- LFS to check out?

We're going to be in Albuquerque and Santa Fe for a week or so soon -- are there any 'must-see' LFS in the area that someone from the Twin Cities shouldn't miss?
There is Southwest Reef Co., Coral Island, And Emperor Ocean.

Heres the info on all of them.

Emperor's Ocean LLC
2120 Juan Tabo Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112-3360
(505) 299-0427

Coral Island Aquariums Inc
2205 Candelaria Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107-2060
(505) 830-9188

Southwest Reef Co LLC
2400 Menaul Blvd NE Ste B
Albuquerque, NM 87107-1822
(505) 884-0901
Pete's Pets in Santa Fe on Cerrillos Road is pretty good. Right now they are depleted due to the holidays/little shipping. Usually have some REALLY nice LR with alot of hitchhikers (occasionally some mantis unfortunately as the LR is from FL). Don't know if they will have a shipment in by the time you are here. They have a website--just search under Pete's Pets in Santa Fe.
Forget about Coral Island they are closed ATM. Last I heard they are moving somewhere around San Mateo and Menaul.