Rockscaping Question


New member
I'm setting up a new 210 FOWLR and am curious for your opinions on rock setup.
I have 2 overflows one on each side against the back wall.
My questions are;
a. Would you guys set the rock up on one side of the tank towards the middle, leaving one side open for swiming and hovering of my Volitains Lionfish


b. Would you set the rock up in the middle between the overflows, leaving both sides sorta semi open ?

I am putting in my Lionfish, Fu Manchu Lionfish, Blonde Naso Tang, Koran Angelfish, and Grey Angelfish and possible another type of Lion.

Please help with opinions as i am setting up in a day or so. Thanks.
Also, any pics of your setups would be helpful.
i would set up the rock to cover the overflows, thus leaving space in the middle. As long as you don't pack any rock too tight leading to dead, flow-less areas, you should be fine. FWIW i think your opinion is the one you should follow, especially when it comes to aesthetics.
I apologize for my frustration but i've asked a few times for advice on things and never seem to get any feedback.

Anyway, i decided to do a low island to the left side and go low to high on the right. Maybe i'm not explaining myself to clearly but i'll try and get a picture up soon to get your feedback.
I understand the frustration. Sometimes a more detailed title helps, or a different section of the forums. Its hit or miss really, but posting a bump will usually get you a little more exposure as well.

As far as your rockscaping goes, I personally would probably do the island in the middle so as to make it as symmetric as possible. Maybe use the larger rocks in the center and the smaller ones kind of coming off the center island and creating a couple tiny islands on the sides. Whichever route you decide to go, we'd love to see some pics and i'm sure we can critique it much better for you :)
I understand the frustration. Sometimes a more detailed title helps, or a different section of the forums. Its hit or miss really, but posting a bump will usually get you a little more exposure as well.

As far as your rockscaping goes, I personally would probably do the island in the middle so as to make it as symmetric as possible. Maybe use the larger rocks in the center and the smaller ones kind of coming off the center island and creating a couple tiny islands on the sides. Whichever route you decide to go, we'd love to see some pics and i'm sure we can critique it much better for you :)

I appreciate the help. I'm going to check out a few variations and see which one looks best to me. Your idea seems nice.I'd really like to keep as much open swim space as possible.
I've got my fish in a 96 gallon right now so there's no rush for me to make a decision other then my excitement to get up and running. Right now i've got my live sand settling and my RO water filling up to add more tomorrow. Then i guess i'll start moving some of the rock from the 96 gallon down to the 210.
I've got to get my Miniatus Grouper and my Picasso Trigger out of the 96 so i can take it to my LFS and donate them to their 400 gallon display. The Picasso nips at the Lions and the Grouper is just a eating macine that i'm afraid is going to gobble up my Fu Manchu.
Today i purchased a beautiful Bluefaced Angel to go along with the Blonde Naso i bought about a week ago. These 2 will be replacing the the Picasso & Grouper. My LFS is keeping them for me until the tank gets going. They were just 2 beautiful to let get away.
Thanks again for the advice. I'll keep you posted.
Depends on the size of your fish and how big their will get. Ideal is to make as much cave and open area for the fish in and out of the. And a place where fish can hide. At same time you be enjoying watch swimming.
Depends on the size of your fish and how big their will get. Ideal is to make as much cave and open area for the fish in and out of the. And a place where fish can hide. At same time you be enjoying watch swimming.

It was more of an asthetics question then anything else.
I realize the fish need caves to hide in and stuff but i just don't want to go the traditional "wall of rock" route.
Ya the wall of rock is so old school, not to mention its tough to get flow through there and detrius ends up building up in the rockwork until you finally have uncurable nitrate problems. Simple islands are much better in my opinion.

If your handy you also might want to consider using epoxy cement and dry rock to create some really cool cliffs and overhangs. Just set it all up outside the tank and then put it in assembled. Doing it that way also means you don't have to worry about rock slides etc.
Ya the wall of rock is so old school, not to mention its tough to get flow through there and detrius ends up building up in the rockwork until you finally have uncurable nitrate problems. Simple islands are much better in my opinion.

If your handy you also might want to consider using epoxy cement and dry rock to create some really cool cliffs and overhangs. Just set it all up outside the tank and then put it in assembled. Doing it that way also means you don't have to worry about rock slides etc.

That sounds really cool but those damn rocks are so heavy already that i'd need a friggen crane to lift them in the tank, lol.
I think i can do something pretty cool with the rock i've got in the 96. I'm trying to figure out the best way of transitioning the stuff into the 210 from the 96. I don't wanna start taking out the rock until i know i'm gonna move the fish. The thing that's slowing me down is the damn R/O water. It takes FOREVER to fill up!:blown: