rust algae


New member
i have a rust //brown algae on the rocks and substrate...when i stir up the sand it goes away for an hour then it comes back....the tank has been up for about 6 months...water is good except for the phos... im working on that now...i dont have that many snails or bluelegged crabs....what can i do to get rid of this ...its making my tank ugly....should i get more LR....i have about 60 lbs in a 120...i think i shoud bout money is tight...any ideas would be great....thanks
If it feels slimy it could be cyano. If it is algea, I would throw about 60-70 blue legs in there and let them have at it.
How about water flow? IME cyano grows in dead spots, where detritius settles.
i have 5 powerheads in there not including the return from the sump...i have plenty of seems to grow{i guess} next to the rocks and in some spots on the sand,,,also settles on the rocks... i am going to try bluelegs and more snails....i have no idea but ill try hope it works...ITS FUGLY
Did you see this thread by "yznmhr"? It sounds as if you have the same typ of algae??
snails and crabs will only treat syptoms and if its a water quality issue (9 out of 10) they will only make it worse with a ton of poop...