S.T.N. Problem

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Fish are happy & health.

Corals look beat and are losing tissue at the margins.

Water parameters are spot on.

Old lamps potentially, right? (My MH bulbs are old. I just replaced one of two T-5's.)
probably need to change you mh bulbs, don't think the t5's factor into the equation (if you are only using them for dusk/dawn effect)

might also want to check to see if you have salt build up on your bulbs. I had a lot of salt on my bulbs, it might buy you a couple of weeks more on your halides.
Hey Marty are you talking about SPS corals or all types STNing?
Gonna follow along.
FWIW Ive been using Brightwell's new product "Liquid Reef" for dosing.What are you dosing with?
John - What's affected is my Chalice (!!!) and other stoneys, e.g. - Monti's. The Softies were affected earlier, but they rebounded. I'm not really dosing regulalrly. My KH & Ca are high, becuase I have a Geo Kalk-wasser Reactor for my RO ATO. (Sounds almost "aviation-esc"!)

Jay - No! Good point. (Skeered!)
Marty, just stick your hand in the water to test for stray volts. If your hair is fried then you have stray volts. LOL.
If you see volts on your meter, turn off and on each piece of equipment to see what is putting them out. In mine, I had a faulty heater leaking volts as was able to replace it. I also added a ground probe that took my voltage in the tank down to 0.
Pardon the dumb question, but use a VOM and set it for low volts and just pick one probe in the water, and the other to ground??
Pardon the dumb question, but use a VOM and set it for low volts and just pick one probe in the water, and the other to ground??

Stick the black wire probe into the hole of the 3 prong outlet on the wall, (you have the two flat plugs and the hole that make up the 3 prong) put the probe into the 'hole' part to ground it. THen put the red probe into you tank water.