Sailfin Tang


New member
Hello Everyone,

I have a sailfin tang in my 90 gallon reef that needs a new home. He is a gorgeous fish, extremely personable, and in perfect health. I have had him for a couple years now but he is getting larger (not huge at about 4 - 4 1/2 inches), and needs more room. Plus he is getting a bit too boisterous for my fairy wrasse clan. I love having a tang in there though because of their great algae eating abilities and may opt to go with something less aggressive such as a chevron or a blue regal.

He is available to a good home. Make offer. I can try and get photos of him Monday.

hi christina i have a 160g SW tank that would make a wonderfull home for him depending on whee your located. please let me know how much you want for him/her and will see if we can work something out.


I've been considering adding a desjardini to my 225...if noone else wants it, maybe we can work something out.
ill take him depending on where in Tampa you are located and how much you want for him. please let me know. im approxamitly 45 minutes away from downdown Tampa.