Salinity level off


New member
Since a month ago I being off salinity level. I always keep it at 1.025, but recently always go back to 1.023 or a little less. Calibrated refractor meter almost every day and I thought I was going crazy because couldn't find out the reason for this. I just bought a doser pump because I thought is was my gravity gato dripping system I have, then my light bulb went on last night.
I bought an Aquamaxx protein skimmer rated for 450 gallon a couple months ago and the skimmate is producing is outrageous. It's this the reason for this problem? Is the water from skimmate suppose to be replace with salt water instead of RO/DI water? I am suppose to measure skimmate and replace with salt water? GOW! I think I love this hobby for the challenge I go thru everyday, it never end.:hmm3:
Yes, if the skimmer is pulling out a lot of wet skim, it needs to be replaced. I have the opposite problem. Because of all the kalk and 2 part I use, my salinity creeps up usually. I compensate by mixing my waterchange water slightly low in salinity. You may want to try the same. Maybe mix your change water at 1.027 or 1.028 and you can tweak from there.
Is it the aquamaxx cones-3 ? I have the same one and I'm having the hardest time getting it set to not wet skim all the time
I have the same issue. In my system, it's due to wet skimming. Use some saltwater in your ato that way it wont shock your system.
yes it's the aquamaxx cone-3. You have to dial the knob to your most convenient skim rate. Take in consideration how many inches of water is in the sump, I don't remember right now what the max but check the instruction manual. This protein skimmer is a beast.
I have two containers,15 gallon each as ATO. Like how much salt we talking about for each 15 gallon? Or just try and error until I get it right?