Salt for sale


Reef Guru
1/2 bucket of Oceanic (full bucket makes 200 gallons)
1/2 bucket of Seachem Aquavitro Salinity (full bucket makes 225 gallons)

$40 takes the both of them
when Rocky Balboa shouted out "Yo Adriane", he didn't mean "Yes Adriane".... He meant "Adriane, I'm beaten to a pulp and can hardly move a muscle, but I still love you!" And nowhere in those two words was he affirming a desire to buy salt for his goldfish! So, Marty, I can understand Jay's confusion! (actually, come to think of it, at the end of the movie he only shouted out "Adriannneeeeeee". Perhaps the "Yo" was too much for his brain to handle after the fight!)