salt not to buy


Premium Member
so for some stupid reason i tried to try a new salt mix, bad idea i bought
brightwell Neo Marine mixed 20 gallons 10 for my 55 and 10 for my 75 with a 33 sump within two days it nuked my green hydrofora that was about 10 in tall and about 6 in diameter in all nems seem like they are going to make it but in my 55 i suffered massive loss both roses are gone took about 3 days lost a green birds nest 3 in frag, purple staghorn, almost got my orange ricordia and my red monti my to percs looked stressed for awhile but are better that was probably more due to the loss of their nems my star fish and my shrimp seem fine. Just wanted to say don't buy this salt its the only thing that could of caused this problem i have a 10 gallon that never saw this salt but still gets the same top off water that i use when i mix my salt
Im from a different state but thought i would ask. Did you check your parameters? I have been using neo marine for the past 4 months with no issues whatsoever. I actually like the fact that half a cup gets 1 gallon of water to 1.025. All my parameters are nice and stable and the corals i have are thriving. I dont have sps but all my zoas, chalices, acan lords and rics are doing great and growing.
they were fine, in all tanks soon as i started doing changes with oceanic things started coming back to life what life was left anyway
ya i know in 4 1/2 years in this hobby i have never even came close to this amount of loss by a long shot. that last few days have been better in my 55 things are getting back on track other than the fact of basically loosing a years worth of time in saving for some frags and growing out nems my 75 has been back on track for about 2 weeks both nems in that tank seem to be fine now even growing back tentacles they had lost all corals are opening again other than the one i lost although there is a few spots still on it and they look like they are opening but they only cove about 1 percent of it i have faith it might come back to as far as regrowth but this coral was my oldest so it will take awhile to recover but i will keep my hopes up and never again stray from oceanic salt again. i will try to get a pic of it tomorrow
i will almost bet that to, i have tried a few other brands in a pinch like h20 ocean and kents they seemed to be fine but i will still try to stay with oceanic. i am curious to know if others have had this same problem.
I have two frags from your green hydrofora that might be about 3 inches tall. Do you want a frag piece from your orginal hydrofora.
i might down the road i am just hopeful it will come back and regrow on the dead areas thanks i will let you know. are u also the one i sold my puffer to a few years ago just curious