Salt Sale


New member
Beverly's at University and Pines Boulevard has Reef Crystals 50 Gallon bags for $11.99, Instant Ocean 50 Gallon Bags for $10.99, and Reef Crystals Buckets for $33.99. The buckets will not be in until tomorrrow. Manager's name is Greg if you have any questions.
Re: Salt Sale

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12130199#post12130199 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invertigator
Beverly's at University and Pines Boulevard has Reef Crystals 50 Gallon bags for $11.99, Instant Ocean 50 Gallon Bags for $10.99, and Reef Crystals Buckets for $33.99. The buckets will not be in until tomorrow. Manager's name is Greg if you have any questions.
invertigator - Thank You for the Head's Up on the great pricing... :D
Steve, he said he bought a bunch and the sale will be until he runs out. If what he had today is gone by the time you get there, he has another shipment scheduled for tomorrow.
I talked to him the other day to make sure that I get my 3 buckets. I will be going down there tomorrow.
seems like they have extra salt left....
50 Gallon bag 160 gallon bucket
$11.99 $33.99

email sale
He got a big shipment for us. I hope he does not get stuck with it. I thought the price was great. I got one bucket and 4 bags.