
JCR's Reef

New member
What kind of salt does everybody use? and where do you buy from?
I have heard of more than a few people doing group buys of salt from DFS because on group orders its alot cheaper than buying from your LFS. I about crapped when I jumped back into the hobby and paid 52.00 for a bucket of Plain IO. I remember when this used to be like $33 or so when I used Tropc Marin. But since there is now some organizing going on in Fort Wayne I was wondering if someone thought about a group buy of salt? I dont know if a LFS would honor a buy like this or not, I know petwarhouse on coldwater wont. I bought $300 worth of livestock one day and they wouldnt even take $5 off for a starfish my son wanted. I mean I thought I deserved some type of discount since I have been going there for over 5+yrs. You would have thought I was asking for 50% off! With that little incident I dont plan on supporting them or going back anymore.
I started with and have always used ReefCrystals. I usually purchase 5+ buckets from DrsFoster and you cant beat the price. When I order 5 buckets it comes out to less then 35.00 a bucket shipped. Lot better then the 50.00+ price from the local LFS in town.
toobrie- How long do 5 buckets last you?! I was going to try Reef Crystals with my next order. I need to order within the next week or two. Just wondering if anybody else is wanting to team up? Even if I cant make it to the next meeting, I could meet someone.
Yeah, Petware House is beginning to **** me off...I am thinking of going somewhere else - although Ben has always been cool with me, his dad and Neil (the other guy) have seriously rubbbed me the wrong way - pushing things and bashing internet reserch and all - and just outright being very rude. Also, like Todd said earlier - putting heavy Texas rock into a live rock tank for a few weeks - calling it live rock - then selling it for more than Fiji or Tongan rock...what a joke.
I am really going to start considering going to Broadway Aquatics...have any of you had any experience with them? I have never been there.
I go to Broadway every once in a while and sometimes their livestock is great and others it is very poor. They are kinda hit and miss.
Broadway Aquatics is where I usually do my business at. Brian and his wife are very respectful there. If they dont have it ask and they will order it. I used to live in waynedale and deal with them for every little thing and they have always done me right. They have come along way from where they were. Plus once your a regular customer you benefit from it. I just ordered 100#'s of base rock for under $1.00 a lb. Retail is $2 or more a lb.
The only reason I dealt with petwarehouse is for reptiles. I know go to The Pet Store on Maplecrest. I'm just getting to know them and the guy there that runs the fish part is a pretty good guy.
I have done quite a bit of business with Chris at the Petstore on Maplecrest. All the fish I bought there have been good and never a problem. His tanks are always smothered in cyano though....and he has a horrible majano problem in him main display but otherwise I really like the pet store there as they are great to do business with.
I bought a bucket of Tropic Marin Pro off DFS and even shipped it was a far sight cheaper than anyone locally.
Well next time someone orders from DFS let everyone know and maybe we could do a group order and save a few dollars. It doesnt all have to be the same salt either, or the same product for that matter. I think you can order up to 5 buckets before the shipping changes, but I'm not positive.
I agree, I like Chris at The Pet Store off of Maplecrest, but man - besides his display tank (the last time I was in) - the rest were covered in algae and just looked like doo doo. But, he is a pretty cool guy. I think it is too much for one guy to handle personally...
Has anyone ever ordered any LIVE creatures or coral from Drs. Foster and Smith (DFS) that is reading this thread? I was a little reluctant - but they are in Wisconsin - which really isn't too far from here - so I would hope shipping mishaps would be more minimized than something coming from CA. I don't recall ever hearing anything really crappy about their service (plus, you can't beat their guarantee). Their salt prices are almost half ($10-$20 cheaper) than anywhere around here. I am thinkig of buying a RBTA when it warms up a little...
Petsmart is great for something....

Print off your DFS or any other online vendor's salt price and take it to Petsmart. They will honor the online price, plus then you don't have to pay any shipping. I got a bucket of Coralife a few weeks ago and a 65W PC bulb both at DFS prices. I think I knocked about $45 off their prices between the two.

- Matt
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12032367#post12032367 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mlandrigan
Petsmart is great for something....

Print off your DFS or any other online vendor's salt price and take it to Petsmart. They will honor the online price, plus then you don't have to pay any shipping. I got a bucket of Coralife a few weeks ago and a 65W PC bulb both at DFS prices. I think I knocked about $45 off their prices between the two.

- Matt

It depends on the store and on the individual manager if they will do this. Ive tried it before with limited luck. One thing to do, is to look at each stores website, they will honor their own stores prices, but not always honor other stores online prices. Ive bought heaters at PetsMart that in the store were priced at 35.oo and at they were about 20.00.
Some one on the other Midwest Club posted something about about petsmart. Said they would no longer his online print off's of prices.
Just some useless info:

I went to the Huntington pet store yesterday, J & K Aquariums. They only have a handful of saltwater tanks and fish, but, they have a "pet club". If you sign up for it (it's 5 bucks) you get 50% off fish on Wednesdays. They also will order fish for you, and call you when they come in, so they don't have to take them out of the bag at their location.

The place definately isn't fancy. It's just around the corner from Hwy 24 and 5
Fran K stein- Fancy way to sp. frankenstein. Never seen it spelled like that. LOL!
I've never been there. What kind of SW fish do they usually carry, and if you order the fish they dont have in stock on Wedsday's do you still pay half price? If if the fish arrives in poor condition, what type of people are they like to work with?
Sorry, I don't have any answers. They had a couple clown fish, and a hay somethingoranother aneome. I'm new to saltwater, so I didn't recognize most of the fish. In fact, we finally have just added live things, other than rocks today to our tank.

I grabbed a business card on the way out. The email is:

ph: 260.356.4626
Congrats on the new tank start up. What size is the tank. Try to stock slow so you dont overdue your bio load . I know its hard but it'll save you a few problems. You should try going to some of the meeting that the fwmas club just started. Everyone thats in the hobby around the area meets once a month. Great way to learn. Especially from fellow reefers that are in the hobby and not from a Local Fish Store trying to push something on you. If your interested you could talk to (Fireworm). He pretty much threw the thing back together, and its free! Again congrats on the new tank!