Saltwater Mix Cloudy - Good to use?


I had some salt that was pretty clumped up from sitting out without the lid. I softened it up, and put it in. It's been two days and the water is very cloudy. I'm assuming it's just precipitation.

I checked alk and it's 8.5dkh. Am I safe to use?
i've had brand new salt mix up cloudy before. i wouldn't worry about it myself. if the salinity and dkh look good, i would go ahead and use it.

FWIW, sometimes when the water is cloudy i toss a bag of carbon in my mixing container and let it sit with the circulation pump on for a while. usually helps polish up the water.
i've had brand new salt mix up cloudy before. i wouldn't worry about it myself. if the salinity and dkh look good, i would go ahead and use it.

FWIW, sometimes when the water is cloudy i toss a bag of carbon in my mixing container and let it sit with the circulation pump on for a while. usually helps polish up the water.
Gotcha. Yeah salinity and alk were right on, so I'll think I'll use it.
Hum, I have never had cloudy newly mixed saltwater after 24 hours?
The cloudiness must be whatever holds the grains together likely just moisture.
Personally, If this is the first time your salt mixes cloudy, I would dump for safety...or I like the carbon thinking.
If this is not unusual for your mix, go right ahead.