Sand ???? Help!!


New member
I have a 28 gal. nano with about a 5 in. deep sand bed. I think it might be to deep. I will have a diamond watchman goby and 2 sand siffting stars. Is this going to O.K.? Should I take out some of the sand? If so how deep should it be?
I agree with Jay; Do not vacuum it a DSB -and- that’s a lot of volume to surrender (5” in a 28), but I'm just not a fan of DSB's anymore.

Is the intention of the DSB to have a better Biological Filter? How much rock do you have? What kind of other filtration?

Back in the old days, I had a DSB because I had to. These days, technology has changed / improved, to the point where it’s not a requirement, unless your Bio filter + main filtration are sub-standard. (That’s not a dig; I just don’t happen to think it’s necessary, IF state of the art filtration / skimming / live Rock are utilized.)

Personally, I’m a minimalist, and actually prefer having just a modest amount of Live Sand. I presently have a thin layer, not more than 1-1/2 inches (enough for burrowing gobies and whatnot), and I vacuum it occasionally to remove Red Slime colonies, before they bloom. (I also don’t happen to care for bristle worms, which will become prolific and populate a DSB. Of course, that’s part of the solution too, required of a DSB!)

Vacuuming can be a useful way to extract sand, provided you don’t clog the drain tube too quickly, and have a good mix of water along with the sand too. Good luck in whatever you choose. Neither is right or wrong. It’s all personal choice.
Got your message on the other thread. I'm going to take some sand out. Thanks for the tip on removing the sand cause I would have done it the hard way by dipping it out.
Kill your pumps so you don’t cavitate them.

After you vacuum your sand / water mixture out, you can return the excess (vacuumed) water back to the tank. Strain it through a net and onto a plate, so you don't overly disturb your Live Rock, critters, etc.

Repeat as necessary, IF you can’t just use a small plastic solo cup to scoop the stuff out.
Been working on it. It's been a mess. Got it down to about 3 inches. Had to scoop some of it out. I think it may still be alittle much but it looks better. Yea, I put most of the water back. Hope it clears soon. Thank for the help. Is this sand still good for someone to use or should it be tossed?
Good question. It should have come (charged) with live bacteria, even in it's dry form. No reason to toss it par se, but someone could likely buy it. Discount it and see what fetches.