Saturday August 9th


New member
Im going to be in Tampa on Saturday the 9th and would like to pick up about 100lbs of rock. Im driving in from Tallahassee, and want to make sure TBS is stocked before I make the four hour drive.

I called on Tuesday and the woman who answered the phone said to check back before I made the trip.

Any problems with filling a 100lb order this weekend?

salvator we got the rock but we are low on sand you may want to call us today markTBS:) ...>>>8138753574
Dont need any sand, just the rock and a few clean up critters (cukes, crabs, et cetera).

I called just now and the woman said she would call me back about what inventory looked like.

When I was there on the 26th of July, there was ALOT in the store. If things are even close to that tomorrow, Id still like to come down.

Thanks for all your help.
I was going to drive down this weekend also from Tallahassee, but I on just set up the tank yesterday. I will probably be heading that way in about 2 weeks.

I have read such good things about TBS I can't wait to go. I am sure the 4 hour trip will be worth it. I guess I will need to call first since I need some live sand.