Saving Melting PH


Zoa Extreemist
I have a small colony of Purple Hornets. I've had them for over 6 months, and all of the sudden last week they started to not open fully, and now I'm pretty sure there's some melting going on. :(
Is there anything I can do to try and save them? I have CoralRx and some Iodine dip, not sure if that will do any good. My pH was a bit low but I buffered it up with pH buffer. The rest of the zoas in the tank are fine, and in face my new Red Hornets have grown two new polyps in the time that the Purple Hornets have began to melt. Do you think my whole colony of PHs will melt or is it possible that some might grow back? No changes have been made to the tank or anything. The small colony is 8" from my 110w 50/50 PC.
If there are any healthy polyps left, I would frag them out. Sometime when things like that happens there is honestly no sure fire way to stop the wasting, best thing I found is to rescue as many healthy polyps as I can and hope for the best. (If I have more then 3 polyps, I would frag them into 2 group).

As for what else you can do for the main colony, I'll leave that to people with more success with zoa rescue. Good Luck.