Belgian Anthias
New member
SBNMS: Sulfur Based Nitrogen Management System.
This is a translation of the original article published in Dutch by me in the Makazi Baharini wiki
A nitrogen management system based on the use of elemental sulfur. Can be used in freshwater and seawater and makes it possible to build a mixed reef aquarium with a high to very high bio-load. In a SBNMS use is made of BADES. ( Biological Autotrophic Denitrification on Elemental Sulphur)
An SBNMS is an ordinary biofilter. If elemental sulfur is added to an ordinary biofilter whose flow can be controlled, a SBNMS is obtained. To make this possible, a refugium or a reactor is used for an SBNMS. An aquarium system in which an SBNMS is used is a BADESS.
An SBNMS is used to increase the carrying capacity. The load-bearing capacity or maximum bio-load is based on the amount of ammonia that can be made harmless within a certain time by the filter system by quickly and effectively reducing constantly produced ammonia to nitrite and nitrate, after which the nitrogen compounds are stripped of the oxygen and the Nitrogen. Nitrogen is discharged as nitrogen gas to the atmosphere where it comes from. The Nitrogen cycle is closed. Nitrification and denitrification are performed simultaneously. The processes and the formation of the biofilm are much less or not disturbed by the aquarium inhabitants. The fact that processes such as nitrification and autotrophic denitrification take place outside the aquarium and negative influences are compensated by the dissolution of shell grit, coral sand or other natural Calcium carbonate compounds in the SBNMS has the effect of compensating for alkalinity, pH, calcium, magnesium and the consumption of most essential building materials. Since all corrections are made outside the main display, these processes have little or no influence on the living conditions in the aquarium
The use of a separate biofilter such as an SBNMS offers the possibility to control the amount of usable nitrogen present in the water column in a very simple way. An aquarium is growing and by using a SBNMS it is possible to adjust the filter capacity to the needs at all times. The nitrate level can be controlled and kept in a very simple manner at the level determined by the user. Very simple by adjusting the flow or and adjusting the filter capacity.
In principle, an SBNMS only removes Nitrogen. The user determines how much.
Since a protein skimmer constantly but selectively removes some of the building materials present but leaves most of the nitrogen compounds discharged directly into the water column untouched, it is normal that there is an imbalance between the availability of Nitrogen and other building materials in the water column. The effective removal of only nitrogen that is considered too much maintains the balance between the availability of building materials and nutrients within the closed aquarium system. Removing the skimmer is another possibility to restore the balance.
It is known that a high availability of usable nitrogen in the form of nitrate exerts little influence on the well-being of corals, but that a high availability of usable nitrogen (organisms prefer ammonium nitrogen as a nitrogen source) in combination with a shortage of phosphorus in corals is considered the main cause of bleaching. To minimize this risk, we ensure an efficient reduction of ammonium in combination with the removal of usable nitrogen that is considered undesirable.
Applications of BADES that are eligible for an SBNMS are applications that aim at simultaneous nitrification and denitrification.
Applications of BADES that only aim at denitrification and therefore do not contribute to the carrying capacity are not eligible for use in an SBNMS.
Possible applications are:
- a BADES biofilm reactor.
- a BADES biofilter.
- BADES columns or SPC. : ref:
An example of self made BADES columns for to be used in a refugium:
This is a translation of the original article published in Dutch by me in the Makazi Baharini wiki
A nitrogen management system based on the use of elemental sulfur. Can be used in freshwater and seawater and makes it possible to build a mixed reef aquarium with a high to very high bio-load. In a SBNMS use is made of BADES. ( Biological Autotrophic Denitrification on Elemental Sulphur)
An SBNMS is an ordinary biofilter. If elemental sulfur is added to an ordinary biofilter whose flow can be controlled, a SBNMS is obtained. To make this possible, a refugium or a reactor is used for an SBNMS. An aquarium system in which an SBNMS is used is a BADESS.
An SBNMS is used to increase the carrying capacity. The load-bearing capacity or maximum bio-load is based on the amount of ammonia that can be made harmless within a certain time by the filter system by quickly and effectively reducing constantly produced ammonia to nitrite and nitrate, after which the nitrogen compounds are stripped of the oxygen and the Nitrogen. Nitrogen is discharged as nitrogen gas to the atmosphere where it comes from. The Nitrogen cycle is closed. Nitrification and denitrification are performed simultaneously. The processes and the formation of the biofilm are much less or not disturbed by the aquarium inhabitants. The fact that processes such as nitrification and autotrophic denitrification take place outside the aquarium and negative influences are compensated by the dissolution of shell grit, coral sand or other natural Calcium carbonate compounds in the SBNMS has the effect of compensating for alkalinity, pH, calcium, magnesium and the consumption of most essential building materials. Since all corrections are made outside the main display, these processes have little or no influence on the living conditions in the aquarium
The use of a separate biofilter such as an SBNMS offers the possibility to control the amount of usable nitrogen present in the water column in a very simple way. An aquarium is growing and by using a SBNMS it is possible to adjust the filter capacity to the needs at all times. The nitrate level can be controlled and kept in a very simple manner at the level determined by the user. Very simple by adjusting the flow or and adjusting the filter capacity.
In principle, an SBNMS only removes Nitrogen. The user determines how much.
Since a protein skimmer constantly but selectively removes some of the building materials present but leaves most of the nitrogen compounds discharged directly into the water column untouched, it is normal that there is an imbalance between the availability of Nitrogen and other building materials in the water column. The effective removal of only nitrogen that is considered too much maintains the balance between the availability of building materials and nutrients within the closed aquarium system. Removing the skimmer is another possibility to restore the balance.
It is known that a high availability of usable nitrogen in the form of nitrate exerts little influence on the well-being of corals, but that a high availability of usable nitrogen (organisms prefer ammonium nitrogen as a nitrogen source) in combination with a shortage of phosphorus in corals is considered the main cause of bleaching. To minimize this risk, we ensure an efficient reduction of ammonium in combination with the removal of usable nitrogen that is considered undesirable.
Applications of BADES that are eligible for an SBNMS are applications that aim at simultaneous nitrification and denitrification.
Applications of BADES that only aim at denitrification and therefore do not contribute to the carrying capacity are not eligible for use in an SBNMS.
Possible applications are:
- a BADES biofilm reactor.
- a BADES biofilter.
- BADES columns or SPC. : ref:
An example of self made BADES columns for to be used in a refugium:
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