SeaChem Fusion 1 and 2


New member
So I am dosing with seachem fusion 1 and 2. According to the directions they should be dosed in equal amounts and you should be good. Well I am dosing 40 mL/day for the alkalinity and it it staying constant at 8.0 dKH. I had stopped dosing Ca to get it to 425. I started the doser at 10 mL /day and in two days it was at 445. Does not make a lot of sense to me. Anyone care to make a guess as to what is going on? I do not see any precipitation around the heaters or in the sump. I do a 2.5 gallon water change every other day mostly to replenish trace elements. Comes out to 20% a month. Nitrate 0.25, Phosphate 0.03, Ca 445 now and Alk 8.0.


Despite their assertions they are not balanced additives. This has been addressed elsewhere on the web by reputable sources. I use much less calcium than alk and maintain correct levels. I do like this brand as my tank has responded well versus others I've used but they are not balanced. No biggie just read your levels and adjust accordingly.