Seachem Reef Salt & borate issues


New member
Anyone having any problems with their sps that seemed to have coincided with a salt switch to the Seachem Reef salt? Just curious since the high borate content was still a concern to some. It's been a few months now since I first heard about this salt & just wondering if anyone has noticed any probs. I still use IO, but seems like the Seachem had some good things about it.
i've been using this salt for about 4 mounth without any problems
dont worry about borate. i was concern about it too ,from the begining. its a great salt,i am really happy with it.

The borate isnt that high to where its going to be of concern IMO
Borate is a better buffer than what the the rest of the other salt companys are using.JMO
The "new" Seachem Reef Salt formula doesn't have the borate levels that it used to have. Maybe they are still a little bit higher if you compare it to other salts, but that shouldn't be a problem.

I switched to the new formula a couple of months ago and my SPS are doing great.... greater polyp extension than before. I did have a problem with low magnesium in the beginning, but that was corrected by Seachem after their first batch.
same here....i am on the new stuff and i am getting great PE. My fish, corals, and clam seem to love it..... thumbs up for me!!!!
Sounds great so far. Has anyone noticed it helping their ph? Mine is always 7.9-8.0 but tank has looked best ever over the last year so I'm not really concerned anymore.
I just switched from IO two weeks ago. While Ive never seen any problems with IO, I was tired of adding Ca,Mg and dealing with the super high KH of IO. I run Zeovit so it is important that I keep my KH between 6-8dkh. Every time you do a water change with IO, your KH spikes, you have to add Ca, and Mag. Just a big PITA so I switched. Everything is great so far.
been using it for a couple of months and really like it. the only issues i have with it is # 1 - too expensive, # 2 - for some reason there is some small amount of undisolved sediment.

other than that, i really like it.

oh yeah - great ph buffering. the lowest i;ve seen it drop is 8.1
I've been using Seachem Reef Salt since the start of my tank last Oct. I don't know when they changed formula's but I picked up a 5 gallon pale at the LFS and have since ordered from Marine Depot a few month's ago. I have a mostly SPS dominated tank with 4 clams. All are doing great! My ph swings from 8.0 in the morning to about 8.3 in the afternoon. My Mg is around 1500 ppm and my dKH can get as high as 13 depending on my Kalkwasser drip. I have to cut back from time to time. A water change will lower it so it's not do to the salt mix. I also do weekly water changes. I use a powerhead to mix over nite and haven't noticed any undissolved sediment. I used to get that brown crap when using Reef Crystals many years ago with my old reef tank.