Seasl T-shirt Order


New member
I would like to gauge the interest in a group order of SEASL t-shirts. The t-shirts and all the other SEASL items can be seen here. With at least 15 shirts ordered we can get them for $15 each which will cover the shipping and leave a small profit for the club. I would like to have them ordered and available for pickup at the frag swap in May so that gives us a month to collect orders. Is anyone interested?

Hmmm.....I might be, what does the back look like?? Or is it just plain white with the logo on the front only??
You will ruin the not for profit club status now, watch out for the IRS.

Also do you have any XXL SEASL thongs ?
Stveve we could sew the seasl emblem on these nice thongs for you:lol: Thats what you were talking about right:D
Hey, I wasn't even in this thread! They are starfish though. Do they come in red or blue? :lol: And I don't think you're supposed to expose them to the air. I'll have to move to Ca, grow a pony tail and wear crystals.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6941605#post6941605 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Letmegrow
You will ruin the not for profit club status now, watch out for the IRS.

Also do you have any XXL SEASL thongs ?

That is a vision I did not need this morning.....

:eek1: :eek2: :thumbdown
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6942898#post6942898 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pewter_jean
Can I get one? I'm not a member yet. But I hope to be!
XL if I can.

Sure anyone can buy them. :D