Selling all equipment (21050, MD)


New member
Getting out of the hobby and selling all equipment…No coral or fish …they have already found a good home…. To view some pictures of the equipment click:

First $999.00 takes all..

-75 gal. AllGlass tank 48” length, drilled in back with two 1.5” bulkheads
with AllGlass cherry stand and matching hood.
-100 gal. Rubbermaid stock tank with wooden platform about 3feet high.
-Two Icecap 250W HQI metal halide electronic ballast with two Reef Optix DE reflectors and two DE Phoenix 14K bulbs (bulbs have been used for 7 months).
-DIY Skimmer 6” clear acrylic tube with Mazzei 584 injector powered by Mag 9 pump, stands just under 4 feet with about a 3 foot mixing chamber.
-live rock weighed in at 105 lbs very nice .
-Little Giant Pump model 3-MD-SC.
-Ebo-Jaber 155 watt heater.
-2/3 full 32oz ESV two part A & B Calcium Buffer and 2/3 full 3.65L Black Dimond Carbon.
-Box full of test kits including (most has at least ½ test left) Salifert PO4, Salifert KH & Alk, Salifert Ca, Seachem Silicate, Aquarium Pharmaceutical Nitrate, Aquarium Pharmaceutical Ph, Kent Kalkwasser additive 450g.
Let us know if interested in parting out - I may be interested in the lights, test kits and calcium buffer.
$200 - 75 gal. AllGlass tank 48” length, drilled in back with two 1.5” bulkheads with AllGlass cherry stand and matching hood
$20 - 20 gal tank “long” drilled with one 1.5” bulkhead on side at top
$300 - Two Icecap 250W HQI metal halide electronic ballast with two Reef Optix DE reflectors and two DE Phoenix 14K bulbs (bulbs have been used for 7 months)
$110 - DIY Skimmer 6” clear acrylic tube with Mazzei 584 injector powered by Mag 9 pump, stands just under 4 feet with about a 3 foot mixing chamber â€"œ I never added a gasket between the collection cup and mixing chamber so it gets salt creep at joint. You could put a gasket in to get a water tight seal. It was in my sump so I didn’t worry about it.
$3.00 per pound â€"œ live rock now have 85 lbs -very nice
$65 - Little Giant Pump model 3-MD-SC
$20 - EHEIM 2215 canister filter with a bag of parts- still works- however needs a rubber o-ring (8 years old and looks it)
$10 - Ebo-Jaber 155 watt heater
$10 - 2/3 full 32oz ESV two part A & B Calcium Buffer and 2/3 full 3.65L Black Dimond Carbon
And is the rock still in heated water with circulation? I am trying to make sure I have no die off. I do not want a cycle.
Hey Eric - I am not going to be able to do the lights at this time - so if you want them I'm giving up my "Dibs".
Nice talking to you Josh, Consider at least 50#'s sold. If I can come up with some more cash before Sunday I will get some more. Talk to you Saturday evening. BILL
Bump for a super nice guy....I have to put my rock purchase on hold. So if anyone else is interested please help Josh out. BILL