Selling Everything

I am healthy, very healthy, I am just trying to patch myself. I have a new hernia that needs fixed and won't be able to do waterchanges and etc. to the tank that I would need to for a few months. I really would like to keep the tank, but the prop system must go first. There still should be 2 anenomes in the prop system and I am going to sell livestock from it until it is empty then just turn it off and sell it that way if no one bites on it all inclusive. I will pm you back about your request.


Just because you are having surgery and can't do water changes doesn't mean that everything will die without them. I have done no water changes on my tanks for months on end at a time with no issues what so ever. You may want to reconsider and have a friend come over and help check on things every couple/few days instead of getting rid of everything and starting over.
Hey Rick
You Know I'll help in any way I can.

When I had my "procedure" a couple years back, I learned to let lots of powerheads, pumps & hoses do all my lifting for me.

Think about it.

see you soon

Hey Ricky:

With good planning, there is really no need to be doing any heavy lifting for tank maintenance. Let the pumps and hoses do the work. Plus, water changes are not all that critical over a 3-6 month duration, while you recuperate.

So hang in there.. no need to quit.

If you decide to keep them, I will help with water changes too. Heck, what's one cripple working for another anyways?!?! :lol:
Travelling half the length of the state just isn't in the cards for me these days. Otherwise I'd be there to help. However, I would seriously consider what's been recommended here. From two avenues, you should at least give this some clear-headed thought. Livestock, no matter how delicate should be able to withstand a few missed water changes. Most of us will fess up to not be overly religious about it at times. Second, with all you have invested, just a little more planning to automate you water changes to a high degree should be a piece of cake. It also sounds like you've got good folks close buy to help in a pinch too.

I was just in the E.R. thursday morning with what turned out to be a kidney stone. Thought I was DYIN'!!! Yes the condition of my tanks ran across my mind several times as my wife drove to the E.R. All I can say is certainly your health comes first, and I only wish you the best. But lets face it; Reefing is an addiction, and I know it helped keep my mind off things the last couple of days. Just think it over a little more.
I have thought it through quite a bit, and this wasn't just a first instinct decision. I would like to at least get rid of all I have that is in the prop tank and all the heavy things that are in the basement that are mine that need to be gotten rid of. Anyone need racks that hold 3 33gal aquariums for a fishroom, I think I have three of them down there, and probably tanks to go with them!

I have been quite religious about water changes and I have been doing daily testing on the tank and doing adjustments everyday for the past 6 months with great results. I have been doing water changes every 2-3 weeks and also have been seeing great results. I have done a big overhaul on the inside of my tank with overcleaning it in preparation for the surgery. That is a just in case I don't sell it all.

We will see what interest there is in the systems and if no one buys it I guess I will have to keep it, but I probably will get rid of most of what I have so I don't just stare at it every day wondering how long it will last. I am not worried about delicate species, they have been doing well for me, even when I neglected the tank previously. I noticed my clam loves it when I am neglectful but I have had him the longest and he even made it through temp spikes 2 summers previously to this one that made it into the mid 90's. He has also made it through 2 major crashes without any ill effects. I just don't want to watch it happen again.

I had an accident in 2003 which has contributed to my surgeries that I have had to have and when I had the accident I ended up killing everything in a 135gal fully stocked mixed reef. I would like to state that even though drugs in such circumstances are awesome to kill pain they reek havoc on a tank because someone is too doped to know what their doing. I was on a superdose of a narcotic as well as a high strength muscle relaxer and I thought I was just doing my daily top of with calk, which in turn SNOWED the tank to the point that all fish floated in 5 mins and all corals just disappeared. NOT AGAIN will I go through the pain, and the depression of an event like that.


Ricky....i could use both equipment and rock, sps too if possible.
I could drive out tomorrow with cash if that's cool. Let me know.
Thanks - Matt
PM sent, btw I AM NOT PARTING OUT THE SYSTEMS. You can buy either one or both, but I am not Parting out!




Hello all, I just wanted to give you an update on what's going on.

Surgery is tentatively Jan 8th. I have been instructed that I can not lift anything between now and through my recovery.

Trust me, the pills are helping me now with the pain. :)

I do have the main system on a fully automated top off system so I am less worried if I do not sell it before the surgery, but the prop system either has to go or be torn down until after my recovery.

This means that all frags growing out in it must go as well as all the macro algae, snails, and rock.

I will produce a list later this week of all the contents and post them here with prices.


I may be interested in something if you post up a list. I'll be in State College for the day today, so i'll keep checking.
14 Green Monti Cap frags 1" or more $10 each mounted
2 orange Cap frags at least 1" $10 each mounted
4 combo frags 1GreenCap and 1 Orange cap mounted $15
depending on frag size 6-12 frags of GSP $5 each
2 frags pavona green $5
2-4 frags of Xenia $5 each pending
4-6 frags of Pink Zoos $15(min 5 polyp frags)
1 candy cane 3 heads $15 SOLD
2 leather frags $10
20 misc acro frags different varieties $15 each 12 SOLD
1 orange and green echino $25 SOLD
3 green fungia frags $10 3 SOLD
3-6 green paly frags $5
1 peacock mantis shrimp $65
1 snowflake eel $15

1 frogspawn head SOLD


I also have a 29gal fuge full of cheato and 2 or 3 different types of Caulerpa as well as a 20L that needs harvested.

$15.00 each OBO shipped in lunchbag portion in a styro cooler and I probably have 10 or so helpings. Hungry anyone?


Rick did you get my email and PM about buying some stuff? Just waiting to hear back. Thanks.
Yea, and I left my phone # in my reply so communication will be quicker. I don't want you to miss out on whats left because we couldnt communicate.

