Hey folks,
I’m looking to move out of the country, so it’s time to say goodbye to the tank! I don’t have any super high-end equipment, but I take good care of my livestock and treat my supplies with care so they are in good shape. My tank is cleaned and maintained monthly by AquaZone Aquarium Service.*
I’d love for someone to buy the whole thing so I’ll give this post a little time to try and get a buyer, but I included breakdown prices so you can get in line for that as needed.
Asking $1,500 for the whole lot. The livestock alone prices well over $1,000, so that’s less than $500 for the tank, stand, chiller, and all the equipment you need for a turnkey system. I was able to move this tank still plumbed and with its stand in a regular pick up truck on the freeway from Fontana to Upland - drained the water, took out fish, rock, and all but 2-3 inches of water/sand and we were able to load it into the truck bed to move it. 2 people were able to carry it around like that. Bring jugs/buckets/tubs and keep as much of the original water as you can to prevent any issues and have a 25% water change ready (you could do this to transfer the livestock into some other dry tank you’ve been meaning to get going!). It’s been running in this new house for 14 months.
If I break it down, you guys know the drill - corals out first, then rock, then fish, then all the dry goods. As long as the tank still has life in it, I need all the equipment to keep that life happy
Please ask for more pictures/videos/measurements as needed. I’m very cautious with COVID stuff, so I’d like to keep as much social distancing as possible. Many of these corals are pretty encrusted and I don’t have fancy fragging saws to cut them out, so it might be best to buy the whole rock if that matters to you (which might mean you need to buy multiple corals) or they may break up a bit when I try to get them off - be forewarned!
This is all equipment in use now or used/tested within 1 month
Tank - 120g Acrylic 24x24x48 - minor scratches as expected
Stand - black wood
Sump - advanced acrylics 29 gallon 3 baffles with filter sock holder
Skimmer - Vertex 100 IN with pump $100
Orphek 90 Blue $70
2x Aqua Ray Ultima 600 Reef White $70
Algae Turf Scrubber - Santa Monica HOB x1 + whisper AP 300 air pump $100
MP40 eco smart $150 (dry side replaced Jan 2019)
Vortech Battery backup $60
Koralia 4 $20
Return: Donner Mag 12 (1200 GPH) $75
Backup or mixing station pump: Aqua Euro 656* $50
Temp controllers
Ranco $50
Inkbird dual ITC 306-T $20
Jager 150 W (x2) $20 for both
Jager 250 W for mixing $10
Chiller - Eco Plus ¼ HP $100
50 GPD RODI system - Aquatic Life RO Buddie 4 stage RO - $40
DJ Strip - Pyle PC-860 (15 amp max) $60
GFCIs/timers, etc $15
Computer fan array with mounting brackets for sump (x2) $15
Grounding probe $5
Fuge light for chaeto with mount $15
Julian Sprung veggie clip and Nori (nori purchased July 22 2020) $5
2 part buffer
3x 1-gallon squirt top jugs - 1oz squirts $10
BRS 1g calcium buffer mix pouches x9 $50
BRS 1g soda ash alk buffer mix pouches x4 $20
BRS magnesium chloride mix $10
Refractometer - agriculture solutions with calibration fluid $20
10 filter socks $20
Kasan gravel cleaner (suction/siphon sand cleaner) with all attachments (purchased Aug 4, 2020) $10
32 Gallon Brut with lid $20
5 gallon jugs (x6) $5 ea
Livestock - all fish and coral are happy and fat and get along and the newest one has been in the tank at over a year
Live Rock - >80lbs
Sailfin tang $40
Flame angel (from live aquaria) $40
2 clowns (Percola I think) $25 for pair or $15 ea
Yellow watchman goby (from live aquaria) $40
Cleaner shrimp $10
2 Bengaii Cardinals (from live aquaria) $40 for both or $25 ea
Corals - some of these are encrusted on the rocks pretty well - feel free to buy the whole rock. I may not know all the fancy names for these, so bear with me.*
1. Red monti cap (grows like a weed! Lovely scrolling colony) $30
2. Green monti with orange stripe (from HersheyB) $60
3. Bright Orange setosa (from HersheyB) $60
4. Green sinularia $40
5. Hammer colony 15+ heads* $70
6. Scrambled egg zoas (2 clusters) $25 ea
7. Fire goblin zoas $40
8. Yellow scroll coral (from Steve Garett) always looks green under blue lights $40
9. Yellow fiji leather (from Steve Garett) $30
10. Green toadstool Mom $40
11. Green toadstool baby $20
12. Gorgonian $30
13. Encrusting gorgonian on tonga rock (From Laverda Steve) $40 (x2)
14. Gorgonian fan (from Laverda Steve) $20
15. Jack-o-lantern leptoseris $40
16. Red blastos with green centers $40
17. Green monti (x2) $30 ea (these are not on frag plugs so they’ll break when I snap them off of the rock for sure)
18. War coral favia $40
19. Red and green favia 2-3 heads $20
20. Branching meteor shower chypestrea (from Steve Garett) $35
21. Green pavona $35
22. Orange and purple ricordia mushrooms (I don’t know how to get these off the rock - you can take the rock I can try to slice them off for you) - $15 ea
23. Firework clove polyps encrusted on a rock - $40
24. Orange encrusting leptoseris $20
Other supplies: Free if you buy a bunch of other stuff and want them
Net covers for the tank (for jumping fish) (I’ll offer these to whoever buys the tank first, and if they don’t take them I’ll sell separately afterward)
Various API testing kits
Battery operated pump that drops into 5 gallon jugs for ATO
Fragging supplies (razors, scalpels, rubble, etc)
Carbon (80% full) purchased August 7 2020
Chemicure Blue 11oz Purchased Aug 21 2020
Egg crate to hold the heater in Brut without letting it touch the sides
Nets (1 large, 1 reg, 1 small) - can’t give these away until I catch all the fish
Azoo battery backup air pump
Reef crystals Instant Ocean salt
2 unopened bags
1 container of the exact size needed for 30 gallons
Miscellaneous extra powerheads, parts, etc

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
I’m looking to move out of the country, so it’s time to say goodbye to the tank! I don’t have any super high-end equipment, but I take good care of my livestock and treat my supplies with care so they are in good shape. My tank is cleaned and maintained monthly by AquaZone Aquarium Service.*
I’d love for someone to buy the whole thing so I’ll give this post a little time to try and get a buyer, but I included breakdown prices so you can get in line for that as needed.
Asking $1,500 for the whole lot. The livestock alone prices well over $1,000, so that’s less than $500 for the tank, stand, chiller, and all the equipment you need for a turnkey system. I was able to move this tank still plumbed and with its stand in a regular pick up truck on the freeway from Fontana to Upland - drained the water, took out fish, rock, and all but 2-3 inches of water/sand and we were able to load it into the truck bed to move it. 2 people were able to carry it around like that. Bring jugs/buckets/tubs and keep as much of the original water as you can to prevent any issues and have a 25% water change ready (you could do this to transfer the livestock into some other dry tank you’ve been meaning to get going!). It’s been running in this new house for 14 months.
If I break it down, you guys know the drill - corals out first, then rock, then fish, then all the dry goods. As long as the tank still has life in it, I need all the equipment to keep that life happy

Please ask for more pictures/videos/measurements as needed. I’m very cautious with COVID stuff, so I’d like to keep as much social distancing as possible. Many of these corals are pretty encrusted and I don’t have fancy fragging saws to cut them out, so it might be best to buy the whole rock if that matters to you (which might mean you need to buy multiple corals) or they may break up a bit when I try to get them off - be forewarned!
This is all equipment in use now or used/tested within 1 month
Tank - 120g Acrylic 24x24x48 - minor scratches as expected
Stand - black wood
Sump - advanced acrylics 29 gallon 3 baffles with filter sock holder
Skimmer - Vertex 100 IN with pump $100
Orphek 90 Blue $70
2x Aqua Ray Ultima 600 Reef White $70
Algae Turf Scrubber - Santa Monica HOB x1 + whisper AP 300 air pump $100
MP40 eco smart $150 (dry side replaced Jan 2019)
Vortech Battery backup $60
Koralia 4 $20
Return: Donner Mag 12 (1200 GPH) $75
Backup or mixing station pump: Aqua Euro 656* $50
Temp controllers
Ranco $50
Inkbird dual ITC 306-T $20
Jager 150 W (x2) $20 for both
Jager 250 W for mixing $10
Chiller - Eco Plus ¼ HP $100
50 GPD RODI system - Aquatic Life RO Buddie 4 stage RO - $40
DJ Strip - Pyle PC-860 (15 amp max) $60
GFCIs/timers, etc $15
Computer fan array with mounting brackets for sump (x2) $15
Grounding probe $5
Fuge light for chaeto with mount $15
Julian Sprung veggie clip and Nori (nori purchased July 22 2020) $5
2 part buffer
3x 1-gallon squirt top jugs - 1oz squirts $10
BRS 1g calcium buffer mix pouches x9 $50
BRS 1g soda ash alk buffer mix pouches x4 $20
BRS magnesium chloride mix $10
Refractometer - agriculture solutions with calibration fluid $20
10 filter socks $20
Kasan gravel cleaner (suction/siphon sand cleaner) with all attachments (purchased Aug 4, 2020) $10
32 Gallon Brut with lid $20
5 gallon jugs (x6) $5 ea
Livestock - all fish and coral are happy and fat and get along and the newest one has been in the tank at over a year
Live Rock - >80lbs
Sailfin tang $40
Flame angel (from live aquaria) $40
2 clowns (Percola I think) $25 for pair or $15 ea
Yellow watchman goby (from live aquaria) $40
Cleaner shrimp $10
2 Bengaii Cardinals (from live aquaria) $40 for both or $25 ea
Corals - some of these are encrusted on the rocks pretty well - feel free to buy the whole rock. I may not know all the fancy names for these, so bear with me.*
1. Red monti cap (grows like a weed! Lovely scrolling colony) $30
2. Green monti with orange stripe (from HersheyB) $60
3. Bright Orange setosa (from HersheyB) $60
4. Green sinularia $40
5. Hammer colony 15+ heads* $70
6. Scrambled egg zoas (2 clusters) $25 ea
7. Fire goblin zoas $40
8. Yellow scroll coral (from Steve Garett) always looks green under blue lights $40
9. Yellow fiji leather (from Steve Garett) $30
10. Green toadstool Mom $40
11. Green toadstool baby $20
12. Gorgonian $30
13. Encrusting gorgonian on tonga rock (From Laverda Steve) $40 (x2)
14. Gorgonian fan (from Laverda Steve) $20
15. Jack-o-lantern leptoseris $40
16. Red blastos with green centers $40
17. Green monti (x2) $30 ea (these are not on frag plugs so they’ll break when I snap them off of the rock for sure)
18. War coral favia $40
19. Red and green favia 2-3 heads $20
20. Branching meteor shower chypestrea (from Steve Garett) $35
21. Green pavona $35
22. Orange and purple ricordia mushrooms (I don’t know how to get these off the rock - you can take the rock I can try to slice them off for you) - $15 ea
23. Firework clove polyps encrusted on a rock - $40
24. Orange encrusting leptoseris $20
Other supplies: Free if you buy a bunch of other stuff and want them
Net covers for the tank (for jumping fish) (I’ll offer these to whoever buys the tank first, and if they don’t take them I’ll sell separately afterward)
Various API testing kits
Battery operated pump that drops into 5 gallon jugs for ATO
Fragging supplies (razors, scalpels, rubble, etc)
Carbon (80% full) purchased August 7 2020
Chemicure Blue 11oz Purchased Aug 21 2020
Egg crate to hold the heater in Brut without letting it touch the sides
Nets (1 large, 1 reg, 1 small) - can’t give these away until I catch all the fish

Azoo battery backup air pump
Reef crystals Instant Ocean salt
2 unopened bags
1 container of the exact size needed for 30 gallons
Miscellaneous extra powerheads, parts, etc

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
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