Selling misc items to save gray angel!


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As some of you may know, I love angelfish and I saw a gray angel at the TPP sale this past weekend. I have seen him there before but since he has such dull colors, I've never given him the time of day, that is probably why he has been there for at least a month now. Well I actually took the time to check him out friday and he was very active and playful, chasing bubbles, watching every move I made. So I decided that he can't stay in TPP's water, enough fish are already dying, not to bash on TPP but I know some of you already lost some livestock. Speaking of, does anyone know when the next live stock sale is? I could use %20 off this gray. I am pretty much broke and need to put the money into my car but I would rather save this amazing personality gray angel. So I am selling some of my stuff I have laying around and don't need.

Hamilton 175w Metal Halide retro fit setup, comes w/ballast and socket
Works fine, I have two bulbs, one was supposed to be new when I bought it but I think it is old and the other I am not sure. You would need a reflector to get full potential out the this light obviously. $75

Ballast to run 4 flourscent 40w bulbs, was used for 4ft bulbs, has wiring and end caps, but might want to replace the end caps $10

Sump w/pull out filter tray, crate, bio balls. Not sure how much it holds or what it is rated to, probably holds 10-15g, good to 100g
great for corner set ups, fit under a 54g tank. $25

Glass lids for a 55g tank, barely used, practically brand new $20

Cabbage Coral frag, grew tremendously under PC lighting, doubled size in a few months, attached to a piece of live rock already $10

So if anyone is interested in this stuff, please let me know, I want to save this gray angel! Or if anyone just wants to donate to my save the best gray angel fund, that would be fine too :D
Also I may be interested in a heater or digital thermostat so I can set it up on the new grays QT tank.

BTW pick up only, I don't want to deal with shipping. I could meet someone close by if needed. I am going to try to get picks soon as I can, may take a few days though. That is why I am selling locally, you can come over and check everything out for yourself in person, best way to do it.

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haha cant get that fish outta your head huh?

looks like you took my advice on a few things to get rid of as well. god luck with the sale!
Yeah, I couldn't afford him then! I wish I could. But now I feel bad leaving him there. I just want to see him go to a good home, that was a great fish. Yeah, I had some stuff laying around that I didn't use, I really want to keep the halide, but I don't need it at this time, money is more important.

I also have a eclipse 6g tank. It's the whole setup, but used and a little beat up, still works fine though. It is a GREAT mantis shrimp tank! I had one in there for a month or so, since it's plastic, he can't break it. $20

kaptken, PMed you back.
Nah, no livestock, I checked. But I have another forum member picking up the gray tomorrow for me for a discount! I had to borrow some money from my brother, that is how badly I wanted this gray angel! I still need to get rid of this stuff to help pay for him.
I also have a UV sterilizer for sale if anyone interested, PM me for details.
$100, he is coming home today. I had to borrow the money though because another RC member was going up there and offered to get him for me, and at a discount. So I had to take the opportunity. I still need this stuff gone. I'm broke from this past weekend, took my gf to Atlantic City for her bday. I will keep everyone updated about how the gray does with the other angels. I still have things for sale, the sump and coral frag are sold though.
Hi DPS... just curious about some info on the 175MH...
is the retro essentially complete, except w/o a reflector??... might be interested.
Yep, it is all complete. It actually was mounted to a piece of metal designed to be installed in a hood. It wasn't a reflector and it also housed two 36" PC actinics. I removed the halide from that fixture and just used the PC's over my FOWLR tank. The halide works fine, the bulb works too, but I would recommend a new one, it doesn't seem that bright? I want to keep it for when I upgrade my coral tank, but right now it has been sitting for months and I need the money badly!

Update! The gray angel is in the 55 QT tank! I know it's a small tank for all three angels, but they are better in there then my disease infested 125. I have twice the skimming on them and two HOB filters, do water changes weekly and monitor copper and other water parameters etc. So far everyone has gotten along fine! No fighting, chasing or even tail fanning! The queen seems a little intimidated by the grays size, but she will end up being the most aggressive. I actually saw my emperor give the gray a little chase, nothing major, just a get out of "my territory." The gray seems to give a little back, almost as if they are playing. They are by no means fighting. The gray is very calm, as all my fish are, very docile. My only problem is my food bill is going to UP! These fish eat a lot! Especially that gray! I will keep everyone updated, but I love this fish! He is very cool and nice, beautiful fish! I am going to try and get some pics up if my roommate gets a charger!
Still have items for sale

175w Metal Halide Hamilton retro set up $75

Ballast for 4 flourscent lights, ran 48" 40w $10

One glass lid for a 55g tank, I broke the other, should fit a 20H $10

Eclipse 6g mini bow system. Great for mantis shrimp, used but still works great, needs to be cleaned up $20

LIFEGARD UV Sterilizer model QL-8 needs bulb, price????

Snow Flake Eel, 6" and healthy $10
Any interest? PM me offers, let me know if something doesn't sound reasonable. I am about to put everything in the paper. Would rather help out a RC member instead!
Have two in one tank? I have a guy interested in it now. I may end up keeping him. Still undecided. he ate last night, tore up some mysis shrimp! Very fun to feed him, I need to get a better feeding stick for him. I've always loved eels, and since I couldn't feed him properly, I didn't want him. Now that he ate again, I am liking him more. So we'll see, I will keep everyone updated.
DPS, just put a chunk of frozen whole shrimp on a bamboo shish kabob stick. you can get a whole bag of them for a dollar at the store. thats how i have target fed shrimp, and starfish and things. they will pick it right off the stick. if it gets stuck, just give the stick a twist when they grab it.
oh yeah, and you can soak the food in some vitamins, seachem reef plus or selcon to give them a boost.

Ocean Nutrition Feeding prong $1.49 I had a $30 dollar feeding stick in my hand and decided to pick up this one insted. Works well for my purposes. Only problem is it isn't that long for our larger tanks.

There is also a guy in the Fish Only forum that has been telling just about everyone that posts in there about eels how he feeds his with stiff air line tubing, flexible air line tubing, and some fishing line.

Yeah, I have been putting on a few pieces of mysis shrimp on a wooden stick like that. He has been eating them. I want to get a clear plastic one though. I just don't want to put a whole cube on the stick because he is the only thing in the tank besides my corals. There will be a lot of food leftover and I don't want my water parameters to go crazy, like ammonia. I do soak all my food in either boyds vitachem or selcon. Thanks.
Yeah, I saw those tongs/feeding stick. I forgot to pick it up last time. I don't know how I will feed him once he is in my 125g tho. When I upgrade, hopefully the tank will be 30" tall, so I really be in a bind. I will have to get my own custom feeding stick I guess.