Selling or trade 150 Gallon setup


New member
$5,000 OBO. Selling due to moving and cant keep it.
Willing to sell or trade for boat or pew pew items. Willing to add cash if need be. Link to some pictures below.

If you need more pictures I can send them. 813-743-902Zero

150 Gallon 6ft Aquariom
100+ Lbs of Live Rock


3 Radion XR30w G3 with Wide Angle Lenses (Have all boxes and original mounts)
Reef Link
Ecotech Multi Light RMS to go over entire tank
2 MP40 QDs
I Tech 200
Ecotech Vectra L1
Emperor Smart UV Sterilizer EU40
Milwaukee Digital Salinity Refractometer
Spectrapure 4 stage RODI Unit with TDS Meter
2 Brute Cans
Extra Pumps
Filter Socks
Lots of other extras
Have more pictures


Blonde Naso Tang
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang
Chevron Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Orange Midas Blenny
2 Blue Chromis
2 Blue Damsels
Magnificant Fox Face
2 Breeding Clowns
mandarin fish
Melanarus Wrasse

XLG Purple BTA
XLG Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
Hollywood Stunner
Superman Monti
Purple Stylophora
Jason Fox Green Goddess Birds Nest
Green Slimer
Green Digitada
Red Digitada
fluorescent green grass turf
Incredible Hulk Leptoseris
Aussie orange plate coral
miami coral chalice
Jason Fox Bowsers
Green purple red acropora
Purple Bonsai Acro
candy cane/trumpet coral
Pink brain coral
Red Monti
Greent Torch
Green Hammer
Neon Green Polyp Monti
Cornbred's "The Thing" Acro - WYSIWYG
Utter Chaos Zoas
Holly Berrys Zoas
Other Zoas that I cant remember the names
Rose Bubble tip anenome. Very large
Purple Long Tentacle Anenome
Other corals I missed and I dont know the names of them
Hey Turkleton,
Any interest in selling just the corals and livestock? If so let me know what you think in terms of pricing.

That would at least allow you to shut down the system and sell it off as a whole or part out without the worry about livestock being in the way.

As you might see by my other posts, I just got my 350 upgraded into a 1000g so I've got some space to fill out....

Send me a PM if you're game. Your inbox was full. Thanks!