September's FMAS Meeting...We Have Pictures!


New member
Many thanks to all who came out and made it such a great meeting! I got lots of nice photos and a pair of nice neon gobies to boot!

Robert & Herman Get the Meeting Rolling

Herman Gives a Video Presentation from MACNA

The Crowd is Enthralled

The School Tank Looking Good w/ New Additions

Robert Representing in His MACNA Shirt

I'll put 5 photos per post, since I seem to put too many sometimes ;) .
The Boys Doing Some Tank Maintenance

A "Mystery" Growth Brought in by a Member

The Auction Boys and Their "Goodies"

Having technical be continued...
Try posting the pics of that mystery pest in a ID forum lol no one had any clue what they are but aparently they can sting the sh*! out of you.
Eddie Shows His Talent for Modelling the Goods


And, last, but not least, my little pair of Neon Gobies...I won them in the auction
It's funny, I think they think the mushrooms are just for them. They swim around in the tank and perch on every one I have in there! They're awesome to watch too...thanks Jamie!
I have a mated pair of banded coral shrimp and they are fun to watch too. My peppermint shrimp used to get too close to them until he lost all of his they've grown back and he doesn't get anywhere near them. They also keep on spawning...the female is constantly loaded up with eggs...guess it's a good treat for the tank each time!
I've been sick all week but would have liked to come. I will for sure be at the next meeting (I hope for sure). It looks fun and interesting, oh and entertaining. I hope to catch a bunch of you at the next meeting,

that mystery pick, they could be hydroids, if they are bad news for coral, big stingers id try to get them out, tanking out the rock and scrubbing it in a bucket of saltwater might help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8250482#post8250482 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scubasteve247
that mystery pick, they could be hydroids, if they are bad news for coral, big stingers id try to get them out, tanking out the rock and scrubbing it in a bucket of saltwater might help.

Forget scrubbing if it can come back. Throw it in the lake or in the trash. I wouldnt want that back in the ocean.