Serial VS USB


Premium Member
I recently had a laptop crash, and it was my only one with a Serial Port. I seem to remember something about you MUST use a Serial Port to perform Firmware Upgrades ---- Is this true?

Or can I use the USB connection to perform Firmware Upgrades?

Or can I use a USB to Serial Converter?

I have 1 controller that doesn't work unless I use rs232 and I have another controller that works flawless with usb. So its hard to say for certain that 1 MUST use rs232 for firmware upgrades. The very best way as I have had to do it a few times on this 1 controller is to open it up and use the jumper and then rs232. That's fail safe...
RS232 is by far the safest way to perform a firmware update, as it removes a lot of variables from the computer itself. USB drivers can differ from different brands of Motherboard (based on the chipset they use), windows versions, 3rd party programs, etc.

RS232 communicates directly to the control chip within the Profilux itself, so is not subject to additional steps when broadcasting data to it. In many cases USB will work just fine (presuming your drivers are up to date and nothing is interfereing with the USB connection), but be aware they may be complications.

If your PC does not have an RS232 port you can always use a USB to Serial adapter, but, as mentioned above your are still subject to potential interferance from 3rd party applications or drivers. From my own experience, many of these adapters will work well, but you may have to manually set the Communication port settings to Com1 or Com2 for the Profilux Software to recognize the emulated Com Ports correctly.

I wrote this brief guide recently to address this issue:
