setting up 2 180 gal. tanks, need advise


New member
I have 2 180 gallon tanks running seperately. 1 180 gallon now houses mostly softies, some Lps and Sps. The tank has been running in its current location for 2 1/2 years. There are 3 10 gallon tanks linked to the tank in a series which primary purpose is deep sand beds, the top tank is lit at night with a pc, the bottom 2 stay dark, they have between 3 and 7 inches of sand. There is also a home made shallow coral frag tank, approx 40" X 40" by 5". This tank has a MRC 2 chamber calcium reactor with a Kent Marine Nautilus skimmer and a neptune III controller.
Ph varies between 8.0 to 8.35
Nitrate is 0
Alk 3meq/l
calcium is 350..........Reactor has not been opporational for a few weeks...regulator problems.
Mag 1125
Phosphate 0.25---not really sure of this one.... I am using salifert and I can judge colors very good.... anyone know of a titration test kit for Phosphates??

I perform a weekly 25 to 30 gallon water chance with Tropic Marine Pro reef

Tank has 2 250watt halide, 1 400watt halide and 2 6' VHO actinics

Other tank is stocked with just live rock, 1 synapore pygmy angel, and 6 assorted damsels, and a lot of calarpa. I am not sure of tanks water parameters, I take the water from my reef and put it in this tank when I do the weekly water change

Tank has 4 6' VHO, half actinics, half 10,000K

Both tanks also have calarpa growing in the overflow boxes and 2 to 4 " sand.

The softies are taking over and I would like to house more LPS and SPS I Plan on moving all the softies to the damsel tank and linking them both together. I will have to move the damsel tank and am planning on removing all the water from this tank and re building the rockwork.

I purchesed a Bermuda protien skimmer along with a mag 12 and a 200mg ozinizer I plan on injecting into the air intake on the skimmer. I plan on running carbon on the skimmers return. I plan on using a 45 or 55 gallon tank I have for the sump I purchased a little giant 1/2 HP pump rated at 2500 gallons at 5 foot head witch I plan on splitting between the 2 tanks. Should I have the returns flowing behind the rock or at the surface, maybe a spray bar???

Dose this sound like a good setup for SPS I plan on splitting the carbon into 3 smaller bags in the skimmers return and changing 1 bag per week. Also was thinking of a 20 gallon refugium above 180's to trickle water down to tanks as a food supply for the corals.
Any help would be appreciated.