Been out of a reef-keeping for a while, but now that things are settled, I am setting up a 120 Deep Blue Pro. This will be predominantly SPS with some nice LPS thrown in too, maybe like a 75/25 mix. Here's what I have or am planning for equipment, and I'd like to get some feedback on whether there's anything I should change while I still can.
120 Deep Blue Pro Aquarium (just delivered)
Rock: 75lbs base rock (already have 45, just ordered another 30 from Bulk Reef Supply) + 45lbs Fiji Premium live rock (to be ordered from Live Aquarai - I've found that shipping is still cheaper than what LFS's charge).
1" shallow sand bed (have about 40lbs of sand to rinse out, and I'll add another 20lb bag)
Deltec protein skimmer (already have) - I'm going to run carbon and phosban in the media chambers until I upgrade to reactors
Lighting: I have an old current usa outer orbit (2x250w MH + 4x54w T5), but one of the metal halide ballasts doesn't start. Current recommends replacing with a Lumatek, but I can't find any instructions on how to re-wire everything to fit the current usa plugs. I prefer T5 anyway so that I don't have to worry about heat issues, and I'd prefer mounting legs to hanging. So I'm looking at the 6x54w Tek Elite. Anyone thing I should go 8x54w? I also have an aquactinicx tx5 but it's only 5x39w. Would this provide a good spread until I upgrade? Or should I just go ahead and upgrade? I've got some time while the tank cycles.
Cirulation: I have 2 Hydor Koralia's at 600gph each and 1 at 1,050 gph each. I also ordered a Tunze Nano Wavebox (they're rated up to 158g). Having seen one in action, I've always wanted one for my own set up. What else should I add as far as ciruclation for SPS? Not really interested in the Vortechs (I owned one of the originals and it crapped out pretty quickly. Maybe they're better now, but I'm not spending the money to find out). I'm thinking some Tunze streams on a mutli controller. Thoughts?
Sump: I was planning to use my old 40br, but it turns out it doens't fit in the stand. Because of all the center bracing and bottom, the best I could fit was a 20g. I also ordered a Mag 9.5 for the return pump.
RO/DI: Already have an Air Water Ice Compact 75gpd
ATO: Already have the Tunze Osmolator
Misc.: I have API test kits but I prefer Salifert. I also want to get a Hanna Phosphate meter and eventually dosing pumps for 2 part.
Sound good so far? Am I missing anything? Thoughts on lighting or circulation?
120 Deep Blue Pro Aquarium (just delivered)
Rock: 75lbs base rock (already have 45, just ordered another 30 from Bulk Reef Supply) + 45lbs Fiji Premium live rock (to be ordered from Live Aquarai - I've found that shipping is still cheaper than what LFS's charge).
1" shallow sand bed (have about 40lbs of sand to rinse out, and I'll add another 20lb bag)
Deltec protein skimmer (already have) - I'm going to run carbon and phosban in the media chambers until I upgrade to reactors
Lighting: I have an old current usa outer orbit (2x250w MH + 4x54w T5), but one of the metal halide ballasts doesn't start. Current recommends replacing with a Lumatek, but I can't find any instructions on how to re-wire everything to fit the current usa plugs. I prefer T5 anyway so that I don't have to worry about heat issues, and I'd prefer mounting legs to hanging. So I'm looking at the 6x54w Tek Elite. Anyone thing I should go 8x54w? I also have an aquactinicx tx5 but it's only 5x39w. Would this provide a good spread until I upgrade? Or should I just go ahead and upgrade? I've got some time while the tank cycles.
Cirulation: I have 2 Hydor Koralia's at 600gph each and 1 at 1,050 gph each. I also ordered a Tunze Nano Wavebox (they're rated up to 158g). Having seen one in action, I've always wanted one for my own set up. What else should I add as far as ciruclation for SPS? Not really interested in the Vortechs (I owned one of the originals and it crapped out pretty quickly. Maybe they're better now, but I'm not spending the money to find out). I'm thinking some Tunze streams on a mutli controller. Thoughts?
Sump: I was planning to use my old 40br, but it turns out it doens't fit in the stand. Because of all the center bracing and bottom, the best I could fit was a 20g. I also ordered a Mag 9.5 for the return pump.
RO/DI: Already have an Air Water Ice Compact 75gpd
ATO: Already have the Tunze Osmolator
Misc.: I have API test kits but I prefer Salifert. I also want to get a Hanna Phosphate meter and eventually dosing pumps for 2 part.
Sound good so far? Am I missing anything? Thoughts on lighting or circulation?