setting up a 210g reef tank


New member

Looking for thougths on refugium size for a 210g reef tank. We have a 40gal breeder and are going back and forth on whether or not to put the skimmer in the sump or external.

Would love to use the BK Alpha 250 but it's internal only. Want the red dragon pumps but can't find the new model.

So close but yet so far....any input would be welcome.

Hey. Good luck wih the 210 build. I am actually finishing my 210 build this week (I know... I am going to post the build here in the next week). I use a 40 breeder, but also have another tank the skimmer sits in. I am sure you will get some different opinions, but I am setting the 40 breeder as a fuge and I would not want to skim it after.

You could always have the skimmer in front of the fuge in the 40 gal tank (depending on how large your skimmer is). Hope this helps.

Good luck with your 210 build as well...

We are looking at various options to use the 40 gallon breeder or just go bigger. We finally decided on the Alpha 250 cone skimmer....and are also considering LED lights...the pump saga continues. No Red Dragons to be found so the search is on for a return pump that is energy efficient and quiet!

We will post photos when we are further along with the set up.

Thank you for your reply