Setting up a JBJ RL 45 new to the hobby (again)


New member
Good evening folks,

A little background of mine is 12 years ago I kept a 65 gallon reef tank set up for a few years and loved the whole process. My ex kept it in a divorce, thats a different story.... Anyway fast forward until now and I have been wanting another reef tank since, but have been moving around so much the last 8 years Ive just been afraid to have another only to break it down and move. Waiting around for years got the best of me and since these new AIO's are looking so good I picked up an RL 45. I still havent got it set up yet, but pretty much have everything ready to go. My lighting system will be a Hydra 26, I got a cadlights skimmer, innovative marine minimax reactor, jbj ato and a few other little things. Im waiting until mid week to get ro water half off at the lfs.

At first I wanted to go with live rock, but decided against it so I could take the time and build the scape I really wanted. So I picked up 30 lbs of marco rock locally and have been working on that pretty much all day. I paid a few cents more per lb, but was ok with it because I got to pick my pieces. Here is what I have came up with

I used jb water weld to hold the smaller pieces together so I could get it from the floor to the tank easily. At least that's what I'm hoping. I still have a few other things to do like come up with some way to hang my light and get a pump for the ATO, but hopefully I will get the tank together and cycling by mid week. I plan to keep a few fish, maybe a clown or 2 for the kids and I personally want to pair up a goby and pistol shrimp. Other than that I want to keep it mostly reef. I will post pics as things start coming together.

Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself and get started with the forum. Thanks for all the great info on here!
Thanks! I worked on it several hours off and on, went through several designs until I came up with something I liked enough to not want to change it.....good thing because I never would have remembered how the other designs went together even with pictures
So I finally got everything put together and cycling. I rigged up a hanger for my light so that worked out pretty well. After the sandstorm settled I measured the salinity with a cheap hydrometer I had and it measured through the roof. I called my lfs that I purchased my saltwater and sand from and they advised me to get a refractometer because the hydrometers are too inaccurate.

I ended up only using 2 bags of live sand and had some left over, so I returned the extra sand for a refractometer. Per the instructions I calibrated it with distilled water, and it says my salinity is 1.028. Is that too high for the cycle? I have been topping the water off a couple times a day so I'm assuming that isn't the problem. It seems to be evaporating around 1/2 liter a day so far.

The lfs also sold me some fritz zyme, and some frozen krill shrimp to add to the filter to help get my cycle started. So for now I am just patiently waiting.... Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics. I'm not using the light during the cycle, only for the pictures. Also in the second picture does it show how the light is penetrating the water? Should I move it upward some for a wider spread?

Looks like your off to a good start.
Waiting on mine to come in the mail. I'm still battling with my light selection I got reefbreeder 16 but still don't know if I will be happy with it.