Setting up AI hydra 26


I just set up an AI hydra 26 over my biocube 14, it's about 11inches above the water. As far as corals I have torches and frogspawns along with a couple small pieces of red monti, what would be the best percentage to start out so that way I don't end up bleaching my coral and what would be the highest/safe percentage to run?
Well, I'm running a Prime over my 29g biocube, and it's all but overkill... I've got the whites down around 25%, blues between 30-35% and the rest at some low value that adds a bit of warmth without nausea inducing disco effect.

Be careful, you can cook your tank with that light. I smoked a Ridordea Yuma, and ****ed off a few other residents before I figured out they wouldn't tolerate 40% on my Prime.