setting up my 125 as suggestions appreciated


Active member
I've been strictly a "reefer" since i got into this hobby some years back and I'm not sure where to start. So maybe i'll start by listing what i have and then some questions.

I have:
125 gal
overflow with Mag 12 return
2 seio 1120 or whatever number they are
30gal sump with asm g2 skimmer
2x 5' T5 lamps

some questions:
BB or Sand?
do i have enough light to see nicely?
good alternatives to LR?
enough filtration? what should i add?
uv? what size?
am i missing anything?

and finally, I would like some good size fish, but i'm not looking to get TOO aggressive. Soo....if anyone has any ideas or has any links to nice looking 125's with stock lists....i'd GREATLY appreciate it.

Thank you very much in advance for any advice suggestions.
You can go with either bb or sand, its your choice. Your lighting should be fine, once again its up to you on how much light you need. Do you have anything to run carbon with, if not i would get a canister filter to run carbon. do you have a heater? are you set on not having live rock in there?
I would say your good to go . Not to contradict raw88gt But I don't run any carbon on my 125 aggressive and I have no issues with peramiters and I have some messy eaters and a tendency to over feed. I would how ever agree that you should get a good size UV . I don't have one yet but it's on my list of upgrades. with aggresives I would go with sand and lots of LR just for the extra bio filtration. the skimmer you have will work really good ,I have the same one and it's perfect. But anyways I'll get to showing off some pictures now .





nice carpet.....he have a friend?

its not that i'm set on not goin LR, just wondering about options, i can get LR pretty cheap luckily.
As for carbon, I have these new pads, forget the name but they're supposedly better than the polyfilter...but like i said, "supposedly"
I also have a phosban reactor somewhere that i could use for carbon.....

so is it safe to say i'm good to go and should start making a stocking list??
hmmmm, some macros in the tank, i like much light you think they need to do ok?
yea I have two clowns that have yet to host it . The macro is ok . It gets outa control once and a while . I have a 400 w Mh over the tank and a 10 watt No bulb . I would say your good to go .
I just started a 125g aggressive tank also. What are you using for biofiltration? You did not mention your filtration. If you are not using liverock you will need a good filter to handle the bioload of aggressive fish. I am using a wet/dry filter and about 90 lbs. of base rock but I think I will be adding more rock.
Everything else you mentioned sounds good.

What type of fish are you planning to keep?
putting aside the fact that you seem to be an eagles fan ;)......

I will probably wind up doing LR, i can get it cheap enough....

and i don't really know what i want to keep
here's what i like:

Angels; majestic (my favorite)
some triggers; picasso, crosshatch...
wrasses; harlequin tusk...
ooh, and i never had any butterflies

been cruising the boards, but i dont' really know how many fish i could get away with
im planning majestic / queen / blueface for angels
Golden butterfly x 2
1 xhatch trigger
1 sargassum trigger
assorted wrasses and anthias

i have about 300 # of LR now and my fuge will have 180 # livesand and 100 # base arag

going for the DSB in the fuge and i have a 6ft skimmer on my 300.
got a 2"sb in display and a good amt of rock as well.